Local Keywords


This chapter was updated throughout in December 2024.


ICS is the name of the web based software programme which enables electronic case management and recording. It is produced by a company called Liquidlogic


Demographics is the name given to the set of basic, factual information concerning a child, their relationships, those agencies involved with them and their legal and child protection status where applicable.

Cared for Child

A Cared for Child (sometimes referred to as 'CfC') is a child who is Accommodated by the local authority, or a child who is the subject to an Interim Care Order, full Care Order or Emergency Protection Order.

In addition where a child is placed for Adoption or the local authority is authorised to place a child for adoption - either through the making of a Placement Order or the giving of Parental Consent to Adoptive Placement - the child is a Cared for Child.

Cared for Children may be placed with parents, foster carers (including relatives and friends), in Children's Homes, in Secure Accommodation or with prospective adopters.

Cared For Children Review

Cared for Children Reviews (also called a Statutory Reviews) are held at specified intervals in relation to all Looked After Children. Child Looked After Reviews are normally chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer and are designed to ensure that adequate plans are in place to safeguard and promote the overall welfare of children; and to make recommendations, as necessary, for changes to those plans.

Cared for Children Reviews are convened at the following intervals:.

  • Within four weeks of the child becoming Cared for;
  • Then within three months of an initial Cared for Children review;
  • Then subsequent looked after reviews should be conducted not more than six months after any previous review.

The requirement to hold Cared for Children Reviews ends when the child ceases to be Looked After or when the local authority has authority to place for adoption, in which case there is a requirement to hold Adoption Reviews.

Case Notes

Case notes allow both the allocated worker and others to record on the child's electronic file when the case is open. It replaces forms CF22 case recording form; CF24 statutory visits form and the C11 record of planning meetings in relation to Cared for Children. Detailed Guidance is available in the ICS Guidance Chapter.

Adoption North West

Adoption North West is a consortium of all 22 local authority adoption agencies in the North West, including Knowsley.

The Aims of North West are:

  • Improve and promote the effective matching of children requiring adoption with those seeking to adopt and to increase the availability of high quality adoptive placements for children across the North West;
  • Develop a regional database to inform recruitment and placement activity;
  • Develop more targeted and coordinated recruitment of adopters across the North West;
  • Develop information and training programmes for adopters and staff across the North West;
  • Develop joint approaches to adoption practice and adoption support across the North West.