
Quick Links:
This contents list is sub divided into the following sections, each Section contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the Section you require):

  1. All Children
  2. Child Protection
  3. Preventive and Support Services
  4. Specific Circumstances
  5. Services to Children Looked After
  6. Appendices

1. All Children

Caption: section 1 of contents


Introduction, Policy, Values and Principles

1.1.1 What We Want to Achieve for Our Children and Families  
1.1.2 Knowsley Corporate Parenting Board - Terms of Reference  
1.1.3 Knowsley Information Sharing Charter  
1.1.4 Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Procedure
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
1.1.5 Emergency Duty Team Practice Guidance  
1.1.6 Young Carers  
1.1.7 Case Summaries Guidance Updated
1.1.8 Case Summary Guidance - Fostering  
1.1.9 What Impact do we have on the Lives of Children, Young People and their Families?  
1.1.10 Police and Social Care Joint Working Protocol  
1.1.11 Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care Updated
1.1.12 Joint Merseyside Protocol for the Provision of Local Authority Accommodation  
1.1.13 Lone Working Guidance  
1.1.14 Children's Safeguarding Services: Team SHIELD - Operational Procedures - to follow  
1.1.15 Signs of Safety Practice Guidance  
1.1.16 Rapid Review Process Guidance  
1.1.17 Contextual Safeguarding Guidance  
1.1.18 Equality and Diversity  
1.1.19 Capacity and Consent  



Assessment and Planning

1.2.1 Child & Family Assessment Framework Updated
1.2.2 Pre-Birth Assessment  
1.2.3 Early Help Process Flowchart  
1.2.4 Step Up / Step Down Procedure
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
1.2.5 Transfer Policy  
1.2.6 Disclosure and Barring Service Check or Direct Police Check  
1.2.7 Practice Standards for Child and Family (C&F) Assessments and Child in Need Planning  
1.2.8 Risk Assessment and Planning  
1.2.9 Group Supervision Guidance  
1.2.10 No Access Visit Guidance  
1.2.11 Private Law - Section 7 / 37 Reports  



Legal Framework

1.3.1 Protocol Between Independent Reviewing Officer and Children's Guardians Updated
1.3.2 Legal Framework for Child Protection  
1.3.3 Care and Supervision Proceeding and the Public Law Outline  
1.3.4 Discharge of Care Orders (Accelerated Process)  
1.3.5 Change of Name of a Looked After Child  
1.3.6 Marriage of a Looked After Child  
1.3.7 North West ADCS Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures  
1.3.8 North West Children in Need Moving across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure (North West Resource)  
1.3.9 North West Pre-Care and Care Proceedings Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure (North West Resource)  
  For information in relation to case records and retention, access to records etc. please see: Knowsley's Internal Procedures and Foster Carers Record Keeping and Retention Policy.  
  See also: Family Justice Resource Hub (ADCS) - This hosts a series of practical resources, such as templates, tools and practice guidance, which will be of interest to those working in the family justice system.  




1.4.1 Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy Updated
1.4.2 Equality Impact Assessment – Supervision policy New
1.4.3 Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
1.4.4 Whistleblowing  

2. Child Protection

Caption: section 2 of contents
2.1 Practice Standards  
2.2 Strategy Discussion/Meeting Protocol  
2.3 Child Protection Review Process  
2.4 Cancellation of Conferences and CfC Reviews  
2.5 Policy for Children's Participation in the Child Protection Conference Process Updated
2.6 Pan Merseyside - Safeguarding Children Partnerships: Missing Children Procedure
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
2.7 Outcome Resolution Process for the IROs/CP Chairs  
2.8 Domestic Abuse
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
2.9 Safeguarding Children and Young People Affected by Gun and Gang Activity and Associated Serious Youth Violence  
2.10 Pan Merseyside multi-agency Child Exploitation protocol
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
2.11 Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Neglect Strategy (2019 - 2021)  

3. Preventive and Support Services

Caption: section 3 of contents
3.1 Child in Need Planning and Review Updated
3.2 Children with Disabilities Referral Assessment and Planning  
3.3 Short Breaks  
3.4 Fullerton Eligibility Criteria  
3.5 Knowsley Complex Care and Resource Panel  
3.6 Direct Payments Policy  
3.7 Children and Young People Ages 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities  
3.8 Complex Mental Health Panel - Terms of Reference  
3.9 Receiving Payments Under Section 17 Policy and Procedure  
3.10 Supervision Orders Updated
3.11 Circle of Support Group Terms of Reference New
3.12 Circle of Support Agenda New



Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention

3.13.1 Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol for 16 and 17 Year Olds  

4. Specific Circumstances

Caption: section 4 of contents
4.1 Services to Parents with Disabilities (Substance Misuse, Physical, Learning Disabilities or Domestic Abuse) and their Children  
4.2 Cross Border Child Protection Cases under the Hague Convention  
4.3 Use of Interpreters, Signers or Others with Communication Skills  
4.4 Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers  
4.5 Families with no Recourse to Public Funds  
4.6 Preventing Homelessness: Protocol between Knowsley Housing Trust, Family First and CSC - This policy is currently being updated.  
4.7 Private Fostering  




4.8.1 Transporting Children  
4.8.2 Travel Assistance Policy (Children's Social Care Users)  
4.8.3 Travel Support Policy  
4.8.4 Guidance for Taxi/Transport Requests  

5. Services to Children Looked After

Caption: section 5 of contents


Planning for Children Looked After

5.1.1 Cared for Children Strategy 2023-2026 New
5.1.2 Sufficiency Needs Assessment for Children  
5.1.3 Decision to Look After  
5.1.4 Care Planning  
5.1.5 Family and Friends Care Policy  
5.1.6 Contract Monitoring Process  
5.1.7 Notifications from Other Local Authorities/Placement Providers  
5.1.8 Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation  
5.1.9 Permanency Policy and Care Planning Procedure  
5.1.10 Delegated Authority  
5.1.11 Agreement to Accommodate a Child Updated
5.1.12 Knowsley Multi-Agency Permanency Panel - Terms of Reference  
5.1.13 Joint Housing Protocol for Care Leavers  
5.1.14 Child Trust Funds and Junior ISA's for Looked After Children  
5.1.15 Practice Standards for Children Looked After  
5.1.16 YJB and Probation Joint National Protocol for Transitions in England - This Protocol is designed to support the planned and safe movement of young people from youth offending teams (YOTs) to the Probation Service when they turn 18.  
  See also: Promoting Wellbeing and Positive Identity for a Child or Young Person Who is Looked After: A Quick Guide for Social Workers and Social Care Practitioners (NICE)  
5.1.17 Providing Personalised Care  
5.1.18 Leisure Activities  




5.2.1 Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home  
5.2.2 Placement with Friends and Family Carers  
5.2.3 Placements in Foster Care  
5.2.4 Placements in Secure Accommodation  
5.2.5 Placements Outside England and Wales  
5.2.6 Placement Plans  
5.2.7 Access to Resources (ART) Placement Process  
5.2.8 Deprivations of Liberty - under review  
5.2.9 Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings  
5.2.10 Disruption Meetings  
5.2.11 Placement Stability Meetings  
  See also: Healthcare Standards for Children and Young People in Secure Settings (RCPCH)  
5.2.12 Health and Safety  
5.2.13 Placements in Other Arrangements  




5.3.1 Cared for Children (CfC) Reviews Updated
5.3.2 Cared for Children Review Process Updated
5.3.3 Process for Informal Challenge & Dispute Resolution for the IROs/CP Chairs  
5.3.4 Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Review  
5.3.5 Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers  
  See also: Cancellation of Conferences and CfC Reviews  



Education of Children Looked After

5.4.1 Duty to Promote the Educational Attainment of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children  
5.4.2 Virtual School Procedure  
5.4.3 When a Child first becomes Looked After  
5.4.4 The Personal Education Plan (PEP)  
5.4.5 Reviewing and Updating the Personal Education Plan (PEP)  
5.4.6 Pupil Premium Plus  
5.4.7 Avoidance of Disruption in Education  
5.4.8 When a Child Needs or Joins a New School  
5.4.9 When a Child has No School / Education Setting  
5.4.10 When a Child is Absent from School and School Exclusions  
5.4.11 Alternative and Independent Education Provision  
5.4.12 Training for those Involved in the Care and Education of Looked After Children  
5.4.13 Celebrating a Child's Achievements  
5.4.14 Information Sharing  
5.4.15 The Role of Designated Teachers and Schools  
5.4.16 Responsibilities of Social Workers Concerning the Promotion of Education  
5.4.17 Responsibilities of Carers Concerning the Promotion of Education  
5.4.18 Knowsley Early Years Service  



Health and Well-being

5.5.1 First Aid and Medication  
5.5.2 Health Care Assessments and Plans  
5.5.3 HIV and AIDS  
5.5.4 Death or Serious Injury of a Looked After Child  
5.5.5 Drugs and Substance Misuse  



Family Contacts, Visitors and Friends

5.6.1 Family Time With Parents, Siblings and Other Significant Family & Friends  
5.6.2 Overnight Stays Away from the Placement or Other Staying Contact or Care Arrangements  



Foster Carers

5.7.1 Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers  
5.7.2 Fostering Panel  
5.7.3 Limit on the Number of Children in Foster Homes  
5.7.4 Supervision of Foster Carers  
5.7.5 Knowsley Foster Carer Review Policy  
5.7.6 Allegations Against Foster Carers  
5.7.7 Persons Disqualified from Fostering  
5.7.8 CoramBAAF Guidance on Reducing the Risks of Environmental Tobacco Smoke for Looked After Children and their Carers  
5.7.9 Smoking Policy  
5.7.10 References and Checks  
5.7.11 Health and Safety Check for Knowsley Foster Carers  
5.7.12 Placement with Dog-owning Families who Wish to be Approved as Foster Carers  
5.7.13 Foster Carers and Baby Sitting  
5.7.14 Foster Carers Record Keeping and Retention Policy  
5.7.15 Foster Carers who wish to Adopt a Child who they are Currently Fostering  
5.7.16 Fostering for Adoption and Concurrent Planning Placements in Knowsley  
5.7.17 For Safe and Proper Use of Internet and Computers for Children Looked After  
5.7.18 Safer Caring Guidelines for Foster Carers  
5.7.19 Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol  
5.7.20 Practice Standards for Foster Carer Reviews and Timescale Flowchart  
5.7.21 Bedroom Sharing Policy  
5.7.22 Fostering Service Quality Assurance Framework  
5.7.23 Training and Development of Foster Carers  



Adoption and Permanence

5.8.1 Adoption Policy  
5.8.2 Adoption Panel  
5.8.3 Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters  
5.8.4 Placement for Adoption  
5.8.5 Adoption Support  
5.8.6 Monitoring and Reviews of Adoptive Placements  
5.8.7 Adoption Reviews  
5.8.8 Disruption of Adoptive Placements  
5.8.9 Allegations Against an Adopter  
5.8.10 Non-Agency Adoption  
5.8.11 Adoption Case Files Procedure  
5.8.12 Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records  
5.8.13 Intermediary Services  
5.8.14 Smoking/Vaping Policy  
5.8.15 Concurrent Planning: Providing Permanent Placements at the Earliest Opportunity  
5.8.16 Relinquished Children  
5.8.17 Moving to Adoption  
5.8.18 Safeguarding Policy  



Leaving Care

5.9.1 Care Experienced People Strategy 2023-2026 New
5.9.2 Leaving Care Finance Policy  
5.9.3 Staying Put  
5.9.4 Personal Advisers  
5.9.5 Responsibilities of the Local Authority to former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody  
5.9.6 Care Leavers Released from Custody Protocol - Joint Working Arrangements between Children's Social Care (CSC), Youth Offending Service (YOS) and Probation Service  
5.9.7 Leaving Care and Transition  
5.9.8 The Local Offer  
5.9.9 Care Leavers Health History  
5.9.10 Practice Guidance: Undertaking Independent Reviewing of Pathway Plans of Relevant and Former Relevant Young People New
5.9.11 Standard Operational Procedure for the Provision of Care Leavers Health History  



Behaviour Management

5.10.1 Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management  
5.10.2 Care Leavers Standards  




5.11.1 Bullying  
5.11.2 Notifiable Incidents Process
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
5.11.3 Notification of Significant Events  
5.11.4 Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews Notifiable Incidents Process Guidance  
5.11.5 Senior Leadership Notifications  



Monitoring Quality

5.12.1 Social Worker Visits to Children Looked After  
5.12.2 Advocacy and Independent Visitors Updated
5.12.3 Regulation 44 Visits  
5.12.4 Child and Family Feedback  
5.12.5 Quality Assurance and Learning Framework  
5.12.6 Role of the Supervising Social Worker  
5.12.7 Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) and Child Protection Chairs (CP) Practice Standards Updated



Privacy and Personal Care

5.13.1 Personal Care and Relationships  
5.13.2 Intimate and Personal Care Policy  
5.13.3 Touch Guidance  
5.13.4 Use of Photography or Videos with Children Looked After  



Children Involved in the Youth Justice System

5.14.1 Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services  
5.14.2 Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance  



Other Permanence Options

5.15.1 Special Guardianship Policy and Procedures Updated
5.15.2 Court Reports in Adoption and Special Guardianship  
5.15.3 Child Arrangements Order/Residence Order Allowances  

6. Appendices

Caption: section 6 of contents
6.1 Local Contacts Updated
6.2 Designated Managers Updated
6.3 Local Keywords  
6.4 Working Together to Safeguard Children  
6.5 Amendments  
6.6 Ofsted Inspection Framework Updated