Monitoring and Reviews of Adoptive Placements

Caption: Monitoring and Reviews of Adoptive Placements

Arrangements for and frequency of visits for supervising the placement must be made at Care Planning Meetings and set out in the Adoption Placement Plan - see chapter on Placement for Adoption, The Placement. This will involve at a minimum:

  • The child's social worker visiting the child within the first week of the placement and then weekly until the first review;
  • Thereafter, the frequency of visits will be determined at the child's Adoption Review or, if not specified, every six weeks for the first year and after this, on a three-monthly basis.

Where there are any concerns, additional visits should be arranged.

The adopters' social worker will also carry out visits at intervals agreed in the Adoption Placement Plan - and more frequently if circumstances require. The visits should continue until an Adoption Order has been made or until the placement is terminated;
2. Visits must be made by suitably experienced qualified social workers or social workers/student social workers who are supervised by suitably qualified and experienced social workers - see Adoption Panel Policy;
3. Records of all visits must be made and copies placed on the child's Adoption Case Record. A copy of the adopters' social workers record of visit must also be placed on the adopters' Adoption Case Record. Between visits, the social workers involved must discuss progress in the placement and read each other's recording of visits during the monitoring period;
4. Where there are concerns that the placement is at risk of breaking down, an Adoption Review must be convened immediately by the child's social worker - see Adoption Reviews Procedure. The Independent Reviewing Officer may recommend that a Placement Support Meeting is convened by the child's social worker and chaired by the Adoption Team Manager;
5. The child should be seen alone (if appropriate according to his or her age and understanding) at all of the visits, whether undertaken by the child's social worker or the adopters' social worker, and his or her wishes and feelings recorded;
6. The child's social worker will arrange for the child to continue to have health assessments in line with his or her Health Care Plan and that the Health Care Plan continues to be reviewed up to the Adoption Order in accordance with the procedures for Children Looked After;
7. The procedures to be followed where a placement disrupts are set out in the Disruption of Adoptive Placement Procedure;
8. Visits to the child and adopters after the Adoption Order will be made as and when required under the Adoption Support Plan - see Adoption Support Procedure.