Celebrating a Child's Achievements
This chapter applies to all Children Looked After. It should be read in conjunction with the government guidance documents and related chapters.
The Personal Education Plan (PEP)
This chapter was reviewed in June 2020.
This chapter was reviewed in December 2022.Professionals are encouraged to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements (educational or otherwise) of Children Looked After (CLA) in order to support development of their self esteem. Schools, Social Workers and IROs can play an important role in supporting all aspects of positive development both in and out of school.
Children's educational (and other) achievements should be acknowledged at:
- Personal Education Planning and review meetings;
- School based meetings;
- School reports;
- Annually at the Celebration of Achievement Awards;
- After examinations.
Professionals are required to actively support CLA to attend school regularly and punctually. School attendance is a key factor in the educational success of all children and young people, and especially for CLA. Where possible acknowledge and celebrate CLA positive attendance at school. The Virtual School records attendance and recognises attendance success through letters, certificates, and rewards.
Achievements of CLA are acknowledged through the annual Celebration of Achievement event. Social workers, IROs and schools are invited to nominate CLA within specific categories. The event is planned by CLA and is supported by Children's Social Care and the Virtual School. The event generally takes place in the Autumn term.
Recording a Child's Achievements
Educational attainment should be recorded within the CLA's Personal Education Plan (PEP). There are sections within the PEPs to record information from Keys Stage 1-3, GCSE or other qualifications, A Level and GNVQ.
Achievements and educational attainment should also be recorded with the CLA's individual record on ICS. There is a specific section within the record called 'Achievement'.
For this purpose, non-educational achievements such as Duke of Edinburgh Awards, First Aid, Sporting Achievements should also be recorded and recognised.