Cared for Children Review Process


Cared for Children (CfC) Reviews Procedure


This chapter was updated in June 2024 in line with local terminology.

1. Child Becomes Looked After

Caption: child becomes looked after

Initial review within 20 working days from the first day the child becomes looked after. Head of Service for SQA to be notified immediately when a child becomes looked after.

Permission for a child to become looked after must be sought form the Assistant Executive Director (Early Help and Children’s Social Care). This should also include the signing of the placement plan. Social worker must ensure that carers are provided with all relevant records and detailed history of the child/ren upon admission.

A named IRO must be identified within 5 days of admission and contact made with the child if age appropriate.

N.B. photograph of the child/ren should be taken as soon as possible in line with missing from home/care protocol and placed on file.

Care in Practice Time Limits: An Aide memoir

Adoption Decision Making Guidance
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Service Manager
Head of Service

Consultation on venue, invitations and dates to take place with child/ren and IRO within 5 days.

Discuss any issues that may arise as a consequence of invites and venue with IRO. (suitable for child and at this review CLA team and adoption team and fostering team to be invited as appropriate)

N.B. if this is a planned admission then timescales for planning reviews should be carried out as soon as possible.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager

Care planning meeting to be held at least 10 working days prior to review and look at content of placement plan. This meeting should include professionals from fostering, CfC team and safeguarding team, Health, Education, parents and child if case is to be transferred. If appropriate adoption team manager should also be notified and attend if child's plan includes concurrent planning. If a Pre proceedings case, the plan upon admission should be almost established.

This meeting should include all those involved in the care of the child and should be used to develop and agree the overall care plan for the child/ren, including Placement Plan, health plan and PEP. Delegated authority should also be provided and included in the Placement plan. The meeting should also look to address issues around contact (including photographs), risk management and day to day arrangements.

N.B. the care planning template is to be recorded on the right hand forms section of the ICS case record.

Consideration must be given to the person most suitable person to chair the initial care planning meeting - this should be a team manager.

Care Planning Template

Delegated Authority and Foster Care Holiday

Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Fostering Team Manger
Children's Homes Manager
File Audit Group
Partner agencies


Initiate PEP and health assessment within 10 working days of the child/ren becoming looked after. This must be completed by the initial review and presented to the chair.

If a child/ren's plan is concurrent then adoption medical to be initiated.

Advise relevant professionals that this has been completed such as EST.

N.B. the above PEP'S provide good examples for social workers.

Ensure the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is completed for children aged 5 – 16 yrs.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Adoption Team Manager
CLA Health
5. Social worker to request reports from professionals not attending, these must be presented to the chair 3 working days prior to the review. Social worker
CfC Team Manager

Family Group Meeting if it has not already occurred needs to be held within the first review period.

Compete Genogram and plan for any viability assessments. This should be discussed with the fostering team manager.

N.B. Genogram to be regularly updated as new information comes to light. The Genogram should explore and include all family members and connected persons. It is the responsibility of the social worker to seek out all family members and connected persons and assess their suitability to care for the child/ren.

Schedule 4 Request for Temporary Approval
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Fostering Team Manager

Give out new into care pack (including complaints and NYAS). This should be done as soon as possible and provided to the child by the social worker on the first visit.

Young person's guide to fostering to be provided and 'welcome to my family' pack if appropriate.

Young person's guide to the home to be provided.

Social worker to discuss with the child/ren the missing from home/care protocol.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Fostering Team Manager
Registered manager

Social worker to undertake statutory visits in line with requirements, they should also be recorded in ICS using the standard template. This does not include visits made to place a child or any visits to the carer, the statutory visit must be a standalone visit for the purpose of seeing the child/ren and assessing the quality of the placement and their wishes and views.

Recording of a Statutory Visit
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Fostering Team manager
Registered Manager

Introduction letter from IRO and review contributions to be sent to the child/ren, carers and parents by SQA.

All contributions must be provided to the IRO upon receipt to SQA.

Returns of contributions and letters sent should be scanned onto the child/ren's file.

2. Review Meeting

Caption: review meeting

Provide detailed reports in ICS, including placement plan, PEP and health plan at least 3 working days prior to the review. This must also include court reports.

N.B. if there are any difficulties in completing reports then this must be discussed with the IRO. If reports are not provided then this may result in the review being cancelled.

All discussions must be recorded by IRO in ICS case notes.

Social workers must also record discussions following their own recording protocol.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
2. IRO to check that appropriate referrals have been made e.g. family group meeting, parenting assessments, pre proceedings panel / legal gate keeping, etc. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
3. IRO to check quality of the overall plan and how it will be progressed, this should include contingency planning. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
4. IRO to check statutory visits have been undertaken in timescale and that requirements for visiting the child/ren have been met, including speaking with them and checking quality of accommodation and care. IRO
Social worker
CfC Team Manager

Social worker to provide details of any ongoing assessments such as parenting and viability and timescales this must be in line with court timetable.

IRO to check court timetable is on track and make recommendations or highlight concerns if appropriate to prevent delay.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager

IRO to check that Permanence medical and CPR if case is twin tracked has been completed.

CPR should be started at the earliest opportunity and should be regularly updated and reviewed.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
7. IRO to ensure that social worker has consulted around their care plan with the child/ren and this is evidenced in the care plan and within statutory visits records. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
8. IRO to ensure day to day arrangements and delegated authority are clear in the placement plan including responsibilities for transport and contact, medical consents and life work (this includes memory box, photographs and photographs of contact and should also state who is responsible for specific tasks). This should be checked within the review and reported on. Social worker
CfC Team Manager

Social worker to ensure that the IRO is kept up to date with all significant changes, this includes contact, changes to schools, court dates and outcomes and any issues or changes to placement.

If necessary the IRO may convene an early review to look at the impact of any significant events on meeting the care plan.

Any discussions between the social worker and IRO must be recorded on the child's record and show any decisions and outcomes.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager

IRO to check that carers have been provided with all documents in relation to the child/ren. Social worker should enter ICS case note when records have been given.

Fostering social worker should also ensure that carers have been provided with appropriate information.

IRO to check that child/ren have also been provided with new into care pack and children's guides to the service.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Supervising Social Worker
Fostering Team Manager
Foster carer

IRO should ensure that child/ren are contacted, consulted and included in the review process in the most appropriate manner for the child.

Contact may take many forms including face to face meetings and telephone calls.
Senior Conference and Review Manager

3. Subsequent Reviews

Caption: reviews table

2nd review should be held within 3 months of date of becoming looked after.

This review should follow requirements as detailed in initial review process.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager

Social worker to discuss with the child/ren process for review including time, venue and invites 20 working days prior to review.

This should be followed up by a discussion with the IRO 15 working days prior to review.

The discussions should agree how the review should be conducted and should also be reflected on the child's case file within case notes.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
3. Social worker to provide details of how plan is progressing, including the progress in meeting any recommendations from previous reviews. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
4. Social worker must provide specific information on placement and permanence arrangements, including timescales and rationale for decisions outlining what is their primary plan. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
5. Outcome of permanence medical to be discussed and any issues should be clarified without delay. This should also include a discussion with Adoption Team Manager. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Adoption Team Manager
6. Social worker to ensure placement plan is updated and includes all day to day care needs and delegated authority which has been agreed. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
7. Social Worker to provide court timetable and progress to be evidenced. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
8. Social worker to ensure that care planning meetings are held for every case to discuss and develop the care plan and placement plan with all those involved in the care of the child. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Fostering Team Manager
Registered Manager

Ensure IRO is informed of all significant changes to the child and provide regular updates around the care plan. No changes are to be made to the care plan without notification and discussion with IRO.

This includes, changes to schools, contacts, placements and changes to the overall plan for the child.

N.B. Nominated Officer must make decisions for changes to placement for children in key stage 4.

All changes to school require the social worker to check the OFSTED rating and discuss with EST & IRO about appropriateness of placement. Any placements where the school is rated below good must be sanctioned by a Nominated Officer.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Head of Service

The IRO can at any time invoke the local dispute outcome resolution process if they feel that the child/ren's care plan is not progressing or there are issues impacting upon the child/ren and causing delay or risk is identified.

IRO Dispute Outcome Resolution Guidance Notes
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
SQA Head of Service
Heads of Service
Assistant Executive Director (Early Help and Children’s Social Care)

4. Placement Order Reviews

Caption: placement order reviews

Social worker to ensure that IRO is made aware of placement order date.

Reviews should take place 2 months following the Placement Order being granted and every 3 months thereafter.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Adoption Team Manager

The adoption team should have been notified and consulted were the child/ren's plans are adoption.

Family finding progress is to be presented and discussed at review.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
3. Social worker to provide details about any specific issues relating to matching and how this is to be achieved, for example matching meetings and care planning meetings. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
4. The IRO should seek attendance or formal contribution from the family finding worker to the review as appropriate. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
5. Social worker to ensure CPR is kept up to date. The family finding worker should also contribute to this process to ensure that it is of a good quality. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager

Preparation of the child for adoption should be reflected in the placement plan.

The child/ren's wishes and views should also be explored and evidenced within care planning records and statutory visit records.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager

Post contact arrangements and process for reviewing contact should be provided to IRO and agreed at a review.

Consideration should also be given to referrals to After Adoption for birth families.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager

Arrangements for Letter box to be agreed and details provided to the IRO.

IRO to check if meeting between prospective adopters and parents is to be arranged.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager

5. Review When Potential Adoption Placement Has Been Identified

Caption: identified table

IRO's to be notified of mid way review meeting and outcomes from this - IRO's to be provided with all adoption records:

  • Adoption support plan;
  • Adoption placement plan;
  • Consents;
  • PEP;
  • Health plan etc.
Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
2. Review to be held within 28 working days of placement. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
3. Application for adoption order to be considered and recommendations to be made at review with regard to timescales 10 weeks from start of adoptive placement. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
4. All records about the child/ren to be provided to prospective adopters (as above). This should be evidenced within the child/ren's case files. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
5. Arrangements for Letter box to be checked and clarified with IRO. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
6. Memory box and life work to be provided to prospective adopters prior to the making of the Adoption Order. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
7. Later life letter to be completed by 2nd review. IRO to check progress of this and make appropriate recommendations. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager
8. Where child is placed for adoption, arrangements must be made so that an adoption review is held. At least every 6 months. Social worker
CfC Team Manager
Family finding worker
Adoption team manager