Children Social Care and Targeted Services Senior Leadership Notification


This chapter sets out who must be notified of a serious incident involving a child, who may or may not be known to Children’s Social Care and Targeted Services.

Please note – when a Child Looked After dies, any notifications required under this chapter are in addition to the requirement for local authorities to notify the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (using the Child Safeguarding Incident Notification System) within 5 days of becoming aware that a child has died. See: Death or Serious Injury of a Care Experienced Child or Care Experienced Person Up to and Including the Age of 24 Procedure.


In June 2023, the Children Social Care and Targeted Services Senior Leadership Team Notification template was updated.

1. Children Involved in Significant Incidents

Whenever there is a serious injury or safeguarding concern, in respect of a child/ren, a referral is required to Children’s Social care, via the MASH. Whether a child/ren are known or not, if a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm then a Senior Leadership notification form should be completed by either a service manager, or relevant HOS, see Children Social Care and Targeted Services Senior Leadership Team Notification Template.

NB: In some cases, it may be that as the case progresses the senior Leadership Team will need to be updated about a number of issues such as:

  • Whether a child’s health has deteriorated /improved;
  • Whether adults have been charged with offences against children;
  • Whether a child has been charged with an offence;
  • Whether a child has been found and in what circumstances after being reported missing.

If an updated notification is required, the following Children Social Care and Targeted Services Senior Leadership Team Notification Template should be completed

2. Examples of Significant Incidents

Deciding whether an incident is 'serious' and warrants a Senior Leadership notification will depend on many factors, including the age of the child, the frequency of the incident(s), the nature of any injuries sustained, any additional needs the child has and the context of the home. In some instances, the cumulative effect of frequent incidents may make a notification appropriate even if the individual event would not warrant this.

Below are examples, but not an exhaustive list of incidents that Knowsley Children’s Social care and Targeted Services Senior Leadership must be notified of. Each case must be assessed individually taking into account any patterns of behaviour or unusual behaviour that may indicate an increased risk to the child.

  • A child is the victim or perpetrator of a serious assault, in the community;
  • A child is the victim of a serious assault and is seriously harmed by a parent/carer;
  • A child has been reported missing or has been missing for more than 72 hours, and there are concerns about Contextualised, and or sexual exploitation;
  • A child has been abducted;
  • Police involvement is required in the case of a child (i.e., child is investigated due to a serious crime being committed/or is a witness to a serious crime);
  • The incident may attract the press or appear in the media;
  • A serious incident of self-harm.

3. Recording of the Senior Leadership Notification

  • Attach the Notification to the HOS Notification case note on ICS on the child’s file;
  • Senior Leadership team will add a management oversight case note to ICS if this is required following receipt of the notification.