The Local Offer
This chapter was added to the manual in July 2018.The Knowsley Care Leaver Local Offer is here to help care leavers find information about the support that is available to young people who have been in the care of Knowsley Council and are now aged 16-25. It provides care leavers with support to help them achieve success in their adult life.
A care leaver is someone aged 25 and under who has been looked after by a local authority – the local authority is their Corporate Parent. To be able to get the support from the Local Offer for care leavers, you must have been in care for at least 13 weeks after your 14th birthday and some of those 13 weeks must have been after your 16th birthday.
The Local Offer for care leavers in Knowsley has been developed by the council, local partners and care leavers. Multi-agency meetings (including care leaver representatives) and meetings with the Care Leavers' Forum have taken place to identify the issues that matter to care leavers and how they would like to be supported as they move away from care and become independent. The development of the Local Offer supports the Knowsley Better Together, which brings people and organisations together for the benefit of Knowsley and its residents. We know that more can be achieved by pooling resources and skills.
The local offer can be accessed here: