Local Contacts


These details were updated throughout in June 2024.

Contact Information

Caption: local contacts
Local Contact Details

Knowsley Children's Services

Executive Director (Children's Services)

Jonathan Jones

Tel: 0151 443 5690

Fostering Friends and Family / SGO Service

Fostering Friends and Family/SGO Team Manager

Rebekah Gresty

Tel: 07584370975
E-mail: Rebekah.Gresty@knowsley.gov.uk

Fostering Mainstream Service

Mainstream Team

Laverne Depass

Tel: 0151 443 3182
E-mail: laverne.depass@knowsley.gov.uk

Adoption in Merseyside (AIM)

Interim Adoption Service Manager

Kath Drescher

Mobile: 07385 145709
E-mail: kath.drescher@adoptioninmerseyside.co.uk

Team Manager:

Wandzia Cody

Tel: 0151 477 8700
E-mail: Wandzia.cody@adoptioninmerseyside.co.uk

Agency Decision Maker - Adoption

Interim Assistant Executive Director (Early Help & Children Social Care)

Jo Parry

6th Floor,
Huyton Municipal Building,
Archway Road,
L36 9YU

Tel: 0151 443 2712

Adoption Panel Appointments

Interim Assistant Executive Director (Early Help & Children Social Care)

Jo Parry

6th Floor,
Huyton Municipal Building,
Archway Road,
L36 9YU

Tel: 0151 443 2712

Agency Decision Maker - Fostering

Interim Assistant Executive Director (Early Help & Children Social Care)

Jo Parry

6th Floor,
Huyton Municipal Building,
Archway Road,
L36 9YU

Tel: 0151 443 2712

Head of Service - Children Looked After and Regulated Services

Head of Service for Children Looked After and Regulated Service


2nd Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA


Team managers:

CLA Team 1 – Rebecca Woods: 0151 443 5180

CLA Team 2 – Bec Gale: Bec.Gale@knowsley.gov.uk

YPT Manager – Joanne Sheridan: 0151 443 3288 / 07966801894

Interim Leaving Care Manager – David Lamb: David.Lamb@knowsley.gov.uk

Fostering Friends and Family / SGO – Rebekah Gresty: 07584370975

Fostering Mainstream – Laverne Depass: 0151 443 3182

Julie Moore - Family Support - Edge of Care: Julie.Moore@knowsley.gov.uk

Service Manager - Children Looked After

Service Manager Children Looked after and Care Leavers

Anne-Marie Lucas

E-mail: Annemarie.Lucas@knowsley.gov.uk

Team Managers:

CLA Team 1 – Rebecca Woods: 0151 443 5180

CLA Team 2 – Bec Gale: Bec.Gale@knowsley.gov.uk

YPT Manager – Joanne Sheridan: 0151 443 3288 / 07966801894

Care Leavers Team – David Lamb: David.Lamb@knowsley.gov.uk

Family Support / Edge of Care
Julie Moore – Family Support – Edge of Care

Service Manager - Regulated Services

Service Manager Regulated Services

Karen Jude

1st Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA

Tel: 07500 765214
E-mail: Karen.Jude@knowsley.gov.uk

Team Managers:

Oasis – Tracy Burke: 0151 443 4292
The Holt – Jane Vowles: jane.vowles@knowsley.gov.uk
Bedford Close – Teri Hannon: Teri.Hannon@knowsley.gov.uk
Fullerton Grove – Julia Nelson: 0151 443 0887

Fostering Friends and Family / SGO – Rebekah Gresty: 07584370975
Fostering Mainstream – Laverne Depass: 0151 443 3182

Head of Service - Education Improvement and Inclusion

Head of Service – Education Improvement and Inclusion & SEND (Interim)

Nicki Forget

2nd Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA

E-mail: Nicola.Forget@knowsley.gov.uk

Interim Service Manager – Michelle Louise Jones - michelle-louise.jones@knowsley.gov.uk

Team Managers:

Vacant as of February 2024

Principal Social Worker

Head of Service – Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service & Principal Social Worker

Celine Gafos

2nd Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA
Tel: 0151 443 5561
Email: Celine.Gafos@knowsley.gov.uk

Head of Child Protection and Early Help

Head of Service - Child Protection and Early Help



2nd Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA

Team Managers:

CP1 – Alice Kasperowicz: 0151 443 3222
CP2 – Helen Agnew: Helen.Agnew@knowsley.gov.uk
CP3 – Vacancy
CP4 – Gavin Byrom – 0151 443 3168 - Interim covering maternity leave – for Katie Unsworth: 0151 443 5031
CP5 – Jenny Critchley: Jennifer.Critchley@knowsley.gov.uk

MST CAN Supervisor – Sarah Ritson: 0151 443 3164


MASH Team Manager - Vicky Vitti – Vicki.Vitti@knowsley.gov.uk



Debbie Trill

Social Worker in Schools – Sam Roper: 0151 443 5043

Family Support Service – Edge of Care

Lisa Jones
Tel: 0151 443 5859

Edge of Care and Targeted Services

Service Manager - Pamela Foster: 0151 443 5026


Team Manager – Chloe Vose: 0151 443 5025
Family Group Conferencing – Hannah Nicholl: 0151 443 2988

Service Manager – Child Protection

Child Protection Service Manager

Selina Kent

2nd Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA

Tel: 0151 443 3452
E-mail: selina.kent@knowsley.gov.uk

Team Managers:

CP1 – Alice Kasperowicz: 0151 443 3222
CP2 – Sarah Joel: 0151 443 4953
CP3 – Vacancy
CP4 – Gavin Byrom - Interim covering maternity leave – for Katie Unsworth: 0151 443 5031
CP5 – Jenny Critchley: 0151 443 3374

MASH Team Manager – Vicky Vitti – Vicky.Vitti@knowsley.gov.uk (MASH Team Manager)
Social Worker in Schools – Sam Roper: 0151 443 5043

Family Support Service – Edge of Care

Lisa Jones
Tel: 0151 443 5859

Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service

Head of Service - Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service & Principal Social Worker

Celine Gafos
Tel: 0151 443 5561

Service Manager Safeguarding & Quality Assurance

Lindsey Heaton
Tel: 0151 443 3318


Diane Kitcher
E-mail: Diane.Kitcher@knowsley.gov.uk

Independent and Child Protection Review Managers:

Holly Seeger: Holly.Seeger@knowsley.gov.uk
Kate Perry: Katharine.Perry@knowsley.gov.uk
Nicky Mitchell: Nicky.Mitchell@knowsley.gov.uk
John Gunning – John.Gunning@knowsley.gov.uk - covering for Lindsey.Ross-Atherton@knowsley.gov.uk
Sinead Attwood: Sinead.Attwood@knowsley.gov.uk
Sarah Pemberton: Sarah.Pemberton@knowsley.gov.uk
Rachael Hill: Rachael.Hill@knowsley.gov.uk

Independent and Child Protection Review Manager
Helen Larkey – Helen.Larkey@knowsley.gov.uk

Quality Assurance Team Manager:
Samantha Madden: Samantha.Madden@knowsley.gov.uk

Practice Improvement Officer

Vicki Caplin
E-mail: Victoria.Caplin@knowsley.gov.uk

AYSE Coordinator Advanced Social Worker

Vincent Barber-Stones

Workforce Development Practitioner / CSC Apprenticeship Coordinator

Charlie Phipps
Tel: 0151 443 2539

Workforce Lead

Lisa Barson
Tel: 0151 443 3469

Knowsley Safeguarding Children's Partnership (KSCP)

Sharon Kelly - KSCP Business Manager
Tel: 0151 443 4597

Head of Service – Early Help and Prevention

Head of Service – Child Protection and Early Help


Ground Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA


Stronger Families Coordinator 

Abigail Hardman

Tel: 0151 443 2623

Team Managers:

Family First Team 1 – Karen Little: 0151 443 5052
Family First Team 2 – Caroline Price: 0151 443 4569
Family First Team 3 – Tracy Paterson
Family First Team 4 – Lauren Jones: 0151 443 3347


Team Manager – Chloe Vose: 0151 443 5025
Family Group Conferencing - Hannah Nicholl: 0151 443 2988

Head of Service – Youth Offending Service

Service Manager – Youth Offending Service and STEP Service

Catherine Johnson

1st Floor,
Nutgrove Villa,
Westmorland Road,
L36 6GA

Tel: 0151 443 3858
E-mail: Catherine.Johnson@knowsley.gov.uk

Operational Managers - YOS

Fleur Hann: 0151 443 2872
Tricia Keane: 0151 443 5570
Gemma Rhodes: 0151 443 5574

Liz Jackson (Integrated Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator): 0151 443 5514
Mandy Jacobson (Business and Information Manager): 0151 443 5563

STEP Service

Team Manager: Mark McCausland - 0151 443 5556

Senior Practioner – Helen Knibb – Helen.Knibb@knowsley.gov.uk