What We Want to Achieve for Our Children and Families

This chapter was introduced into the manual in June 2015.


Our Vision

"We believe that all children and young people should be able to grow up safe, be healthy, feel listened to and are given the right opportunities to achieve their potential".

Our Mission

We will work together to ensure that we put children and young people at the heart of what we do. Where children are at risk or have been harmed we will actively cooperate to safeguard them and promote their welfare.

Key Outcomes

  • The voice of children and young people is fully embedded in practice and service planning;
  • All practitioners working with children and young people have the skills needed to help and protect children, are well supervised and well managed;
  • All children, young people and their families receive consistent support, and are fully involved in making decisions about their lives;
  • Front line social work practice is consistently good and effective;
  • There is effective multi-agency delivery of early help;
  • All partners work together effectively to support and protect the most vulnerable children and families.
  • The Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership provides effective leadership, scrutiny and challenge.