
June 2024

CAPTION: June 2024
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Case Summaries Guidance This document has been updated.
Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This document has been updated.
Child & Family Assessment Framework This chapter has been updated throughout in line with local practice, and new/updated Appendices have been added.
Protocol Between Independent Reviewing Officer and Children's Guardians Minor amendments have been made throughout in line with local practice and terminology.
Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy This chapter has been replaced with an updated document.
Policy for Children's Participation in the Child Protection Conference Process Minor amendments have been made to this chapter in line with local practice and terminology.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been reviewed and amended throughout.
Supervision Orders This chapter has been updated in line with local practice and terminology.
Agreement to Accommodate a Child This chapter has been replaced with an updated document.
Cared for Children (CfC) Reviews This chapter has been updated in line with local terminology.
Cared for Children Review Process This chapter has been updated in line with local terminology.
Advocacy and Independent Visitors Minor amendments have been made throughout this chapter in line with local terminology.
Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) and Child Protection Chairs (CP) Practice Standards This document has been updated.
Special Guardianship Policy and Procedures This chapter has been replaced with an updated document.
Local Contacts These details have been updated throughout.
Designated Managers These details have been updated. Updated: Agency Decision Maker (Adoption); Agency Decision Maker (Adoption Panel Appointments); Agency Decision Maker (Fostering Panel Appointments).
Ofsted Inspection Framework A link has been added to information on Supported Accommodation.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Equality Impact Assessment – Supervision policy This document has been added to the manual.
Circle of Support Group Terms of Reference This document has been added to the manual.
Circle of Support Agenda This document has been added to the manual.
Cared for Children Strategy 2023-2026 This document has been added to the manual.
Care Experienced People Strategy 2023-2026 This document has been added to the manual.
Practice Guidance: Undertaking Independent Reviewing of Pathway Plans of Relevant and Former Relevant Young People This document has been added to the manual.
CAPTION: next update date
Next Update: December 2024

December 2023

CAPTION: December 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Signs of Safety Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated.
Marriage of a Looked After Child This chapter has been updated in line with the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022.
Children and Young People Ages 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated. Information in relation to legal aid for foster carers and prospective adoptive parents in First Tier Tribunal appeals has been added into Section 15, Resolving Disagreements.
Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol for 16 and 17 Year Olds Appendix 3 has been added.
Families with no Recourse to Public Funds Section 3, Procedures for Working with Families with no Recourse to Public Funds has been updated to reflect the Home Office increase in financial support to individuals waiting to find out if they will be given asylum in the UK.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been amended to include information from Annex to MOJ Circular 2022/03: Additional Information on Remand to Local Authority Accommodation (RLAA).
Practice Standards for Children Looked After This chapter has been updated.
Placements in Secure Accommodation Section 5, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty has been updated to include information from Guidance - Placing Children: Deprivation of Liberty Orders - guidance for providers, social workers and placement commissioners on placing children, subject to a deprivation of liberty order (DoL), in unregistered settings and President of the Family Division Practice Guidance: Placements in Unregistered Children's Homes in England or Unregistered Care Home Services in Wales.
Health and Safety Information in relation to allergies has been added into Section 6, Diet, Nutrition and Allergies.
Health Care Assessments and Plans Information in relation to allergies has been added into Section 2, Health Action Plans.
Relinquished Children This chapter has been updated.
Personal Advisers This chapter has been reviewed and amended in line with local practice.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been amended to note that from 1 April 2023 the leaving care allowance has been increased by £1000 from £2000 to £3000.
Local Contacts These details have been updated throughout.
Designated Managers These details have been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Capacity and Consent This chapter has been added to the procedures manual.
Placements in Other Arrangements This chapter has been added to the procedures manual.
Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance This chapter has been added to the procedures manual.
Ofsted Inspection Framework This chapter has been added to the procedures manual.

June 2023

CAPTION: June 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Emergency Duty Team Practice Guidance This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Police and Social Care Joint Working Protocol This PDF has been updated.
Practice Standards for Child and Family (C&F) Assessments and Child in Need Planning This chapter has been reviewed and amended.
Risk Assessment and Planning This chapter has been refreshed throughout.
No Access Visit Guidance This chapter has been amended.
Care and Supervision Proceeding and the Public Law Outline This chapter has been refreshed throughout in line with A View From the President's Chambers: Relaunching the PLO (November 2022).
Child Protection Review Process This chapter has been refreshed locally where required.
Cancellation of Conferences and CLA Reviews This chapter has been reviewed and amended. It acknowledges that there should be agreement with the Service Manager - Safeguarding Quality Assurance.
Outcome Resolution Process for the IROs/CP Chairs This chapter has been updated.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been reviewed and amended.
Children and Young People Ages 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated to include information from Guidance: Area SEND Inspections Framework and Handbook (November 2022).
Use of Interpreters, Signers or Others with Communication Skills This chapter has been updated to add new information regarding commissioned interpreting and translation services.
Decision to Look After This chapter has been refreshed throughout.
Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings This chapter has been updated to include information from the UK Social Work Practice in Safeguarding Disabled Children and Young People report.
Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management This chapter has been refreshed throughout.
Senior Leadership Notifications The Children Social Care and Targeted Services Senior Leadership Team Notification template has been updated.
Child and Family Feedback This chapter has been fully updated.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.
Designated Managers These details have been reviewed.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Equality and Diversity This chapter has been added to the manual.
Supervision Orders This chapter has been added to the manual.
Care Planning This chapter has been added to the manual.
Providing Personalised Care This chapter has been added to the manual.
Leisure Activities This chapter has been added to the manual.
Health and Safety This chapter has been added to the manual.
Training and Development of Foster Carers This chapter has been added to the manual.

December 2022

CAPTION: December 2022
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Lone Working Guidance This guidance has been updated.
Disclosure and Barring Service Check or Direct Police Check This chapter has been refreshed locally.
Group Supervision Guidance The Knowsley Group Supervision Guidance has been updated.
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter has been reviewed and amendments have been made throughout.
Whistleblowing This chapter has been refreshed locally.
Practice Standards The Practice Standards Booklet has been updated.
Strategy Discussion/Meeting Protocol This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol for 16 and 17 yr Olds The Addendum to a 7 Minute Briefing has been added.
Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been amended in line with the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.
Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been amended to add a link to the NYAS 'My Things Matter' Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move (see Section 2.4, Placement Planning).
Placements Outside England and Wales Section 3, Placements in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Guernsey has been updated in line with the Cross-border Placements (Effect of Deprivation of Liberty Orders) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 and Cross-Border Placements (Effect of Deprivation of Liberty Orders) (Scotland) Regulations 2022: Practice Guidance, Notice and Undertaking Template.
Reviewing and Updating the Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Pupil Premium Plus This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
When a Child is Absent from School and School Exclusions This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Health Care Assessments and Plans A link has been added to Who Pays? which provides information on which NHS Commissioner is responsible for making payment to a provider.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been amended to add a link to the NYAS 'My Things Matter' Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move (see Scope of This Chapter).
Senior Leadership Notifications This chapter has been refreshed.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been updated locally.
Process for Informal Challenge & Dispute Resolution for the IROs/CP Chairs This chapter has been refreshed.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services Section 2, Looked After Children who are Arrested has been updated in relation to appropriate adults.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Private Law - Section 7 / 37 Reports This document has been added to the procedures manual.
Removed Chapters
  • Managers Practice Standards;
  • Social Worker Practice Standards;
  • IRO Dispute Resolution Guidance Notes for Practitioners.

June 2022

CAPTION: June 2022
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This PDF has been updated.
Child & Family Assessment Framework This chapter has been updated to reflect sharing of assessments with families and to remove the need to complete a C&F for conference when de-plan as the new SOS conference reports is detailed assessment and covers the risks and needs required to make decisions.
Pre-Birth Assessment A link to the Pan Merseyside Pre-Birth Protocol has been added.
Children and Young People Ages 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Section 15, Resolving Disagreements has been updated in line with the First Tier Tribunal's extended powers to hear appeals and make non-binding recommendations about health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, provided those appeals also include education elements.
Private Fostering An Addendum – Private Fostering 7 Minute Briefing has been added.
Adoption Panel This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Adoption Support This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Allegations Against an Adopter This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Non-Agency Adoption This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Adoption Case Files Procedure This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Intermediary Services This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Smoking/Vaping Policy This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Relinquished Children This policy has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.
Designated Managers This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Moving to Adoption This policy has been added to the procedures manual.
Safeguarding Policy This policy has been added to the procedures manual.

December 2021

CAPTION: December 2021
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Case Summaries Guidance This guidance has been updated.
Pre-Birth Assessment This chapter has been updated to acknowledge the findings and learning from a learning review into child Michael, April 2021.
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated to acknowledge that the fortnightly transfer meeting will be chaired by a Service Manager and to note that Placement with Parents will remain with the Child Protection / Child in Need Service rather than transfer to the Child Looked After Teams, unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as a plan for adoption.
Draft Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy This chapter has been updated and should be re-read.
Care Leavers Released from Custody Protocol - Joint Working Arrangements between Children's Social Care (CSC), Youth Offending Service (YOS) and Probation Service This chapter has been updated locally.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been updated locally.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.
Designated Managers This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Case Summary Guidance - Fostering This guidance has been added to the manual.
Contextual Safeguarding Guidance This guidance has been added to the manual.
Risk Assessment Guidance This chapter has been added to the manual.
Complex Mental Health Panel - Terms of Reference This Panel represents the Corporate Parenting responsibility of partner organisations in meeting the mental health needs of children, young people and care leavers and links to the Children in Care and Care leavers Strategy 2020 – 2023.
Recieving Payments Under Section 17 Policy and Procedure This procedural guidance should be read in conjunction with the Child in Need Procedures, it sets out the policy and procedure to be followed by all staff.
Senior Leadership Notifications This chapter sets out who must be notified of a serious incident involving a child, who may or may not be known to Children's Social Care and Targeted Services.

June 2021

CAPTION: June 2021
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Emergency Duty Team Practice Guidance This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Joint Merseyside Protocol for the Provision of Local Authority Accommodation This protocol has been reviewed and updated.
Signs of Safety Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated.
Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy This chapter has been updated to amend the chapter's appendices, and add additional information regarding the Signs of Safety model of practice and case frequency in Children's Services. The Supervision Record and Supervision Contract have been updated (see Appendices).
Practice Standards This chapter has been updated to add Practice Standards Booklet into Related Chapters section.
Child in Need Planning and Review Timescales have been amended where required.
Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Travel Support Policy This chapter has been updated.
Contract Monitoring Process This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Agreement to Accommodate a Child This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Placements in Secure Accommodation A new Section 5, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty When One or More of the Relevant Criteria Under Section 25 Children Act 1989 are Not Satisfied has been added.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers A revised link has been added to Prepare for a review panel: adopters and foster carers.
Knowsley Foster Carer Review Policy This chapter has been revised throughout and replaces the previous version.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been updated.
Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records This chapter has been given a general refresh throughout and information added on applying for a copy of a birth certificate online.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody This chapter has been updated to reflect the section 2.6, Care leavers leaving custody in Joint Housing Protocols for Care Leavers: good practice advice (DfE and MHCLG) 2020 (see Section 3.8, Planning for Release).
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been updated with a link to Joint Housing Protocols for Care Leavers: good practice advice (DfE and MHCLG) to support the development of joint protocols that can help local authorities to meet the accommodation needs of care leavers. Additional content has therefore been added in a new Section 8, Joint Housing Protocols for Care Leaver as well as Section 7, Reviews of Pathway Plans and Section 13, Where Care Leavers Live or Move to a Different Local Authority Area.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.
Designated Managers These details have been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Children and Young People Ages 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been added to the manual.
Bedroom Sharing Policy This chapter has been added to the manual.
Fostering Service Quality Assurance Framework This chapter has been added to the manual.

December 2020

CAPTION: December 2020
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This protocol has been updated.
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated to acknowledge that the fortnightly transfer meeting will be chaired by the Team Manager/Head of Service and to note that Placement with Parents will remain with the Child Protection / Child in Need Service rather than transfer to the Child Looked After Teams, unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as a plan for adoption.
Legal Framework for Child Protection

This chapter has been updated to include consideration of:

  • Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014;
  • Data Protection Act 2018;
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012);
  • Serious Crime Act 2015.

And further considers the legislation:

  • The Children Act 1989;
  • The Crime and Disorder Act 1998;
  • Freedom of Information Act 2000;
  • Local Government Act 2000;
  • Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000;
  • Education Act 2002;
  • Homelessness Act 2002;
  • The Children Act 2004;
  • Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004;
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012);
  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012;
  • Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter has been reviewed and minor amendments were made throughout.
Strategy Discussion/Meeting Protocol This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been updated to reflect the introduction of the Helping Children Thrive document and to ensure timescales for reviews are clear; especially for Children with Disabilities.
Children with Disabilities Referral Assessment and Planning This chapter has been reviewed and updated to identify that unless there is a significant event in the child's life, a new Child and Family assessment must be completed every 12 months, as a minimum to ensure there is an up to date and holistic assessment of the child's needs.
Fullerton Eligibility Criteria This chapter has been reviewed and amended to reflect Fullerton Grove's role.
Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol for 16 and 17 yr olds This protocol has been substantially updated and should be re-read.
Families with no Recourse to Public Funds This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Private Fostering This chapter has been adjusted to reflect the current departmental decision-making framework and to acknowledge that Private Foster Carers are entitled to claim the required benefits from DWP to help them in caring for a privately fostered child. Also that PNC/DBS and other statutory checks are undertaken on all household members over the age of 16 years.
Guidance for Taxi/Transport Requests This chapter has been revised. Taxis should only be used to transport parents and their children in exceptional circumstances when no other alternative can be identified.
Permanency Policy and Care Planning Procedure This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed and updated specifically to note that it is vital that any regulation 24 assessment considers whether the carer is likely to be able to care for the child in the long term. The children and Social Work Act 2017 requires all those involved in planning for children to consider their needs now and into adulthood. See Section 2.4, Going into Care Practice Guidance.
Agreement to Accommodate a Child This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Child Trust Funds and Junior ISA's for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated. Please note the savings limit for Junior ISAs for 2020-2021 is £9000. See Section 2, Junior Individual Savings Accounts (ISA's) for Looked After Children.
Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Placement with Friends and Family Carers This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed.
Placement Plans A new Section 5, Additional Information if the Young Person (16/17 yrs olds) is Placed under "Other Arrangements" has been added.
Child Looked After Reviews This chapter has been updated.
First Aid and Medication This chapter has been reviewed and amended to confirm that all placements should keep comprehensive records of any drugs, medication or 'remedies' administered to a child.
HIV and AIDS This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Drugs and Substance Misuse This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Overnight Stays Away from the Placement or Other Staying Contact or Care Arrangements This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Fostering Panel This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Limit on the Number of Children in Foster Homes This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Supervision of Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Knowsley Foster Carer Review Policy This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
References and Checks This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Health and Safety Check for Knowsley Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Foster Carers and Baby Sitting This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Foster Carers Record Keeping and Retention Policy This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
Foster Carers who wish to Adopt a Child who they are Currently Fostering This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required.
For Safe and Proper Use of Internet and Computers for Children Looked After This chapter has been reviewed and small adjustments were made. It should be noted that foster carer training is available on matters of internet and computer use, this should be discussed with the foster carer and noted in their PDP.
Safer Caring Guidelines for Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Behaviour Management Policy for Foster Carers This chapter has been fully refreshed and updated and identifies that Behaviour Management Plans should be agreed within the placement plan and children looked after reviews. All social work staff involved should understand the rewards, sanctions and behaviour management within the foster carer's home.
Bullying This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been updated to add a new Section 16, Process to be followed for Inadequate Audits.
Role of the Supervising Social Worker This chapter has been substantially updated and should be re-read.
Touch Guidance This chapter has been reviewed and updated where required.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
Designated Managers This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Group Supervision Guidance This guidance has been added to the manual.
Disruption Meetings This chapter has been added to the manual.
Placement Stability Meetings This chapter has been added to the manual.
Practice Standards for Foster Carer Reviews and Timescale Flowchart This chapter has been added to the manual.
Removed Chapters
  • Complex Case Discussion Terms of Reference;
  • Foster Carers Holiday Policy;
  • Behaviour Management Plans;
  • Consequences;
  • Physical Intervention: Practice Guidance for Social Workers;
  • Incidents and Reporting.

June 2020

CAPTION: June 2020
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children's Safeguarding Services: Team SHIELD - Operational Procedures This operational procedure has been updated.
Early Help Process Flowchart This flowchart has been updated.
Policy for Children's Participation in the Child Protection Conference Process This chapter has been updated locally to update guidance in relation to meeting children's communication needs.
Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
When a Child first becomes Looked After This chapter has been reviewed locally and revised where required.
The Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been reviewed locally and updated.
Reviewing and Updating the Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been reviewed and revised where required.
Pupil Premium This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
When a Child Needs or Joins a New School This chapter has been reviewed and updated.
When a Child has No School / Education Setting This chapter has been updated and comprehensively revised and updated and reflects current regulation, legislation and Knowsley policy and procedures.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.
Designated Managers These details have been updated.
The following chapters have been reviewed:
  • Deprivations of Liberty;
  • Child Looked After Reviews;
  • Duty to Promote the Educational Attainment of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children;
  • Virtual School Procedure;
  • Avoidance of Disruption in Education;
  • When a Child is Absent from School and School Exclusions;
  • Alternative and Independent Education Provision;
  • Training for those Involved in the Care and Education of Looked After Children;
  • Celebrating a Child's Achievements;
  • Information Sharing;
  • The Role of Designated Teachers and Schools;
  • Responsibilities of Social Workers Concerning the Promotion of Education;
  • Responsibilities of Carers Concerning the Promotion of Education.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Rapid Review Process Guidance This new procedure has been added to the manual.
Notification of Significant Events This new procedure has been added to the manual.
Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews Notifiable Incidents Process Guidance This new process guidance has been added to the manual.
Managers Practice Standards This new procedure has been added to the manual.
Social Worker Practice Standards This new procedure has been added to the manual.
Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) and Child Protection Chairs (CP) Practice Standards This new procedure has been added to the manual.
Process for Informal Challenge & Dispute Resolution for the IROs/CP Chairs This new procedure has been added to the manual.

December 2019

CAPTION: December 2019
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Knowsley Corporate Parenting Board - Terms of Reference This document has been reviewed and updated.
Case Summaries Guidance This chapter has been amended to reflect that recording should ensure that the impact of services on children, young people and their families are recorded clearly in the case summary. This section should be updated every three months when the case summary is updated.
Child & Family Assessment Framework This chapter has been further updated to reflect the Practice Guidance in respect of Signs of Safety.
North West ADCS Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures This chapter has been amended to update links to North West ADCS Pre-care and Care Proceedings - Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure; North West Children in Need Moving across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures and North West Notification and Transfer of Children Subject of Child Protection Plans across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure. Protocol for Cross-Border Local Authority Communication in Children's Services - North Wales Children's Services and North West Local Authorities Children' Services has been added as new.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been further updated to reflect the Practice Guidance in respect of Signs of Safety.
Preventing Homelessness: Protocol between Knowsley Housing Trust, Family First and CSC This chapter has been reviewed and updated to reflect local referral processes.
Knowsley Multi-Agency Permanency Panel - Terms of Reference This chapter has been reviewed locally and refreshed where required.
Duty to Promote the Educational Attainment of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to incorporate changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017. A new section has been added with regard to Unaccompanied Migrant Children, and the role of the Virtual School Head in relation to Previously Looked After children is emphasised.
When a Child is Absent from School and School Exclusions This procedure has replaced the previous procedures When a Child is Absent from School, and Concerns about Behaviour and School Exclusions.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers A link has been added to Attending an IRM Panel: Information Sheets. See Section 12, Representations/Independent Review Procedure.
Supervision of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated to reflect in more detail the foster carer's role and responsibilities with respect to Fostering National Minimum Standards - Notification of Significant Events (see Section 1, Introduction) and relevant aspects of Schedule 6 The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011, (see Section 2, Planned Supervision Visits).
Knowsley Foster Carer Review Policy A link has been added to Attending an IRM Panel: Information Sheets. See Section 3, Termination/Revision of Approval.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody The Pan Merseyside Protocol: Preventing the Unnecessary Criminalisation of Looked After Children has been updated.
Social Worker Visits to Children Looked After This chapter has been amended to include a link to the Leaving Care and Transition Procedure in relation to Personal Adviser visits to 'Relevant' or 'Former Relevant' young people.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
Designated Managers This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
What Impact do we have on the Lives of Children, Young People and their Families? This chapter has been added.
Signs of Safety Practice Guidance This document has been added.
Practice Standards for Children Looked After This guidance has been added.
Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings This chapter reflects statutory guidance in relation to children who are placed by health authorities or local authorities for more than 3 months in residential establishments for educational purposes and children placed in care homes or independent hospitals (including hospices) by health authorities or local authorities (Sections 85 and 86 of the Children Act 1989). This guidance is not relevant for Looked After Children.
Family Time With Parents, Siblings and Other Significant Family & Friends This chapter has been added.
Care Leavers Standards This guidance has been added.
Removed Chapters
  • Process for Social Workers Signing Off Reports in line with UK GDPR;
  • Case Records and Retention;
  • Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations;
  • Access to Records / Subject Access Requests;
  • Placements in Children's Homes;
  • Concerns about Behaviour and School Exclusions;
  • Contact with Family and Friends.

June 2019

CAPTION: June 2019
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Pre-Birth Assessment This chapter has been amended to acknowledge the concerns of concealed pregnancies. A new section has also been added to recognise issues in respect of non-compliance by the parent(s) in respect of the pre-birth assessment, (see Section 9, Non Compliance with Pre-birth assessment). Note also a new chapter 'No Access Visit Guidance' has been referenced in Relevant Chapters.
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated to acknowledge that the fortnightly transfer meeting will be chaired by the Group Manager and to note that Placement with Parents will remain with the Child Protection / Child in Need Service rather than transfer to the Child Looked After Teams. Also, prior to transfer, the social workers will meet to ensure a smooth transfer.
Knowsley Complex Care and Resource Panel This chapter has been amended to re-title the chapter and to acknowledge that the Vice Chair of the Panel will be the Commissioning Manager – Children.
Family and Friends Care Policy This chapter has been updated to add a link to Looking after someone else's child (GOV.UK) (see Relevant Guidance). This offers advice and guidance to a range of allowances and financial support that carers may be eligible for.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been updated in relation to placing young people in custody, see Section 2.3, How to Request a Transfer or Placement Review. A link has also been provided to Standards for children in the youth justice system 2019 (see Related Guidance).
Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISA) for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to identify the maximum saving for a Junior ISA in this tax year is £4368, (See Section 1, What is a Junior ISA?)
Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home This chapter has been reviewed and updated to recognise that children on Care Orders placed with parents are amongst our most vulnerable children, therefore care planning meetings should take place once every six weeks. Also, All Care Orders at home will be considered at the Legal Permanence Panel. The Panel will scrutinise the appropriateness of the legal order for the child with a view to reaching a position whereby discharge of the order can be applied for (see Section 6, Supervision of Placement).
Care Leavers Released from Custody Protocol - Joint Working Arrangements between Children's Social Care (CSC), Youth Offending Service (YOS), Merseyside Probation Service (NPS) and Merseyside Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC)

This chapter has been updated to reflect current working roles and responsibilities between relevant partners working with young people leaving custody. It is firstly important to identify whether an individual is a Relevant or Former Relevant or Qualifies under the care leaving legislation and regulations. The chapter focuses on 'Planning for Release' and 'Support in the Community' and has links to appropriate local support networks. It also links to the Ministry of Justice and YJB, 'Standards for children in the youth justice system, 2019'.

Please fully reference.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services This chapter has been updated in relation to placing young people in custody, see Section 7.7, How to Request a Transfer or Placement Review. In addition the chapter notes that interviews of arrested young people should not be agreed to without a solicitor being present, (see Section 2, Looked After Children who are Arrested) and that any Looked after child in custody will be visited monthly (see Section 7.3, Social Work visits). A link to Standards for children in the youth justice system 2019 and YJB, Case management Guidance has been provided (see Related Guidance).
Special Guardianship Policy and Procedures This chapter has been updated to identify the role of the Family and Friends Support Service in undertaking viability assessments (see Section 2, Pathways to Special Guardianship); considering making a referral to the Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund for additional therapeutic services if this is outlined as required, (see Section 3, Special Guardianship Support Services), but noting the Support Plan should identify where universal support services are needed, (see Section 6, Support Plan). 
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Complex Case Discussion Terms of Reference This chapter seeks to deal with a multi-agency/professional process and approach designed to promote fresh thinking and an approach in those cases that perhaps challenge traditional and 'typical' processes and practice in terms of intervention and resolution strategies. Note the relevant Appendices. 
No Access Visit Guidance This chapter is guidance For Children's Social Care staff, social workers / Family First and Family Support workers in relation to 'No Access visits' to Children and Families, i.e. staff have been unable to see a child and / or family in line with their duties and responsibilities. Staff must discuss this with their line manager within 24 hours and ensure actions and decisions are carefully recorded. Please reference this chapter.
Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers

When working with unaccompanied asylum seekers, please use this guidance to assist you in meeting their needs. The chapter contains a number of links to relevant resources and tools and should be read in conjunction with statutory guidance and other relevant chapters.

This chapter replaces the previous Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework

This chapter describes the principles and purpose of quality assurance activity, and replaces a similar previous chapter.

The framework sets out the principles that underpin quality assurance and learning which are informed by the "Signs of Safety" strengths based approach to practice that has been adopted across children's safeguarding services. The overall aim of the framework is to support colleagues across Children's Social Care to achieve better outcomes for children and to understand what constitutes 'Good' social work practice.

It will be reviewed in March 2021.

Please re-reference.

December 2018

CAPTION: December 2018
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Police and Social Care Joint Working Protocol This chapter has been reviewed and amended to reflect 'Working Together to Safeguard Children'. The chapter includes a child sexual abuse pathway. Please re-reference.
Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This chapter has been updated and amended throughout to reflect current Knowsley organisational practices.
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter has been reviewed and minor amendments have been made throughout.
Decision to Look After and Post Placement Arrangements Additional information has been added in to Section 1.3, Section 20 Accommodation, in line with recent case-law. Also, amendments have been made regarding Knowsley processes: note Careful consideration must be given to matching the placement to the needs of the young person, in order to maximise the opportunity to support and care for the child or young person (see Section 1.4, Placement Planning) and any care plan must be signed by the practitioner and agreed by the Team Manager before the Head of Service can consider authorisation (see Section 6, Approval of the Care Plan).
Family and Friends Care Policy This chapter has been amended to update contact details for support agencies (see Section 10, Useful Organisations and Information for Family and Friends Carers).
Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home This chapter has been reviewed and updated to note that this procedure does not apply to children subject to Interim Care Orders where the placement is required by the court under Section 38(6) Children Act 1989 for the purposes of assessment. See Scope Box note.
Child Looked After Reviews Section 10, The Role of the Looked After Review in Achieving Permanence for the Child has been amended to reflect the outcome of a High Court Judgement in respect of children who were subject to Section 20 and where there were concerns of significant delays in their planning for permanence. The court noted the IROs' recognition and action over a number of reviews but acknowledged that a more robust response had been needed. Also, the IRO should consider and account for where there may be issues of any deprivation of liberty, (see Section 6, Role of the Social Worker).
Death or Serious Injury of a Looked After Child This chapter has been amended. From 29 June 2018 local authorities in England must notify the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel within 5 working days of becoming aware of a serious incident. The chapter reflects the amendments of Working Together to safeguard Children and included the update reporting form to Ofsted.
Allegations Against Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and amended to focus on circumstances where foster carers receive allegations. The chapter confirms that managers dealing with such issues should seek advice and guidance from the LADO at the initial stages (see Section 3.1, Initial Action). A template letter to the carer has been included, (see Appendix 1: Letter Advising an Allegation Has Been Made).
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters (and Foster Carers) This chapter has been reviewed and amended to focus on circumstances where Prospective adopters receive allegations. The chapter confirms that managers dealing with such issues should seek advice and guidance from the LADO at the initial stages (see Section 3.1, Initial Action). A template letter to the carer has been included, (see Appendix 1: Letter Advising an Allegation Has Been Made).
Relinquished Children Section 5, Consent and Competency has been updated to include additional information on parental capacity to consent, in line with High Court case-law.
Intimate and Personal Care Policy This chapter has been reviewed and amended to refresh the chapter with regard to policy and some practice with regard to safeguarding, e.g. where staff have any concerns about physical changes in a child's presentation, e.g. marks, bruises, soreness etc. they should immediately report concerns to the appropriate manager / designated person for child protection. Safeguarding procedures will then be followed and guidance provided to the member of staff (see Section 8, The protection of Children).
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated. Please reference as required.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations

This chapter deals with recording of meetings/conversations by individual service-users, in their capacity as private individuals. Note that the employees of the local authority, acting in their professional capacity, are subject to different legislative requirements, e.g. under the Data Protection Act 2018.

This is a developing area, and legal advice must be sought as necessary.
Access to Records / Subject Access Requests This chapter deals with the issues where service users seek access to their records and includes the updated Data Protection Act 2018. Please reference.
Direct Payments Policy Direct payments are a means by which children, young people and their families can direct their own care and support. They are monetary payments that are paid either to a young person, or to the parent or carer of a child or young person up to the age of 18 or to a nominated third party. Direct payments promote independence, choice and inclusion by enabling the purchasing of support that KMBC would otherwise provide. They are made available for those children and young people who have been assessed as eligible or in need of the provision of a service where it is determined for needs to be met by the provision of a direct payment. There is a statutory duty to assess a child who is at risk of significant harm or who requires additional support. The chapter identifies the conditions for receiving direct payments and what they can be used for. Please reference.
Access to Resources (ART) Placement Process This new chapter is a flowchart, describing the process for seeking and acquiring a placement for a child. Please reference.
Deprivations of Liberty This chapter applies to all social care practitioners carrying out any social care function with children who are receiving care or treatment in any setting. The level of deprivation is not comparable to the level of restriction normally placed on child or young person of that age, or in all circumstances the child is over 12, and constitutes a breach of Article 5 of the Human Rights Act.
Removed Chapters
  • Family Group Conference Policy;
  • Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities;
  • Guidelines for Transporting Young People on Remand.

July 2018

CAPTION: July 2018
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Case Summaries Guidance This chapter has been amended to reflect that recording should explore the child's lived experience, including their education, (see Section 3, What should be included in a Case Summary?) and that case summaries should fully put a child's situation in the current context, (see Section 2, When Should Case Summaries be Updated?).
Children's Social Care Lone Working Policy This chapter has been updated to recognise the use of the Knowsley Council 'Arch Angel' system (see Section 4, Identification of Risk).
Single Assessment Framework This chapter has been updated to identify that where there is a recommendation in the Assessment for either a Child In Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan, there should be an analysis as to what will form the basis of the plan to reduce the potential risk/s to the child/ren (see Section 5, Assessment – Timely, Transparent and Proportionate to Need, Other cases).
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated to reflect additional criteria for transfers within the permanence service (see Section 2, Process for Transfer of Cases).
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated to recognise the use of the Legal Planning Meeting Screening Tool by the social worker and Team Manager. Also to note that pre-proceeding cases are tracked on a monthly basis by the Head of Service for Child in Need and Child Protection.
Marriage of a Looked After Child This chapter has been amended to reflect the decision-making process and to identify that the young person should be offered an Advocate.
Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy This chapter has been updated to amend the chapter's appendices. The Supervision Record and Supervision Contract have been updated (see Appendices).
Practice Standards This chapter has been amended to reflect current Departmental standards and processes.
Strategy Discussion/ Meeting Protocol This chapter has been updated to reflect current processes and procedures. Also to note a strategy meeting should be attended by the supervisors from both Local Authority Children's Services and police, and where possible the investigating officer(s), together with representatives from other agencies, (as appropriate).
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been amended throughout to reflect the current Departmental structure and decision-making processes. A new Appendix has been added (See Appendix 2: Flowchart: When A Child is Living With Someone Other Than A Parent) and the Private Fostering Flowchart has been amended (see Appendix 3: Private Fostering Flowchart). Also note that where there has been a lack of progress in a Child in Need case, consideration should be given to having a Legal Planning Meeting; the minimum standard for visiting and reviewing is 6 weekly.
Short Breaks This chapter has been updated to ensure that it complements the short breaks statement and access to sessional short breaks offered as part of targeted short breaks.
Knowsley Complex Needs and Resource Panel This chapter has been updated to ensure the chapter reflects current Departmental processes and to highlight that an assessment should evidence an application for continuing care (see Section 3, Process).
Use of Interpreters, Signers or Others with Communication Skills This chapter has been updated to add new information regarding commissioned interpreting and translation services.
Private Fostering This chapter has been adjusted to reflect the current departmental decision-making framework and to acknowledge that Private Foster Carers are entitled to claim the required benefits from DWP to help them in caring for a privately fostered child. Also that PNC and other statutory checks are undertaken on all household members over the age of 16 years.
Decision to Look After and Post Placement Arrangements This chapter has been comprehensively amended: a new Section 1.3, Section 20 Accommodation has been added to explore the requirements of agreeing to the Section 20 Accommodation of a child (Children Act 1989), including a High Court decision Re S (see Section 1.3.1, Obtaining Parental Consent). Further amendments have been made in Section 1.1, The Decision regarding permission when EDT services are operational and Section 2, The Role of the Resource Panel.
Family and Friends Care Policy This chapter has been fully reviewed and comprehensively amended throughout to reflect that when children and young people cannot live with their parents, Knowsley will promote permanence at the earliest stage practically possible. Also, to place emphasis on the role and value of Family Friends carers and to acknowledge that support will be provided to those carers. A new section on useful organisations and further information has been added, (see Section 10, Useful Organisations and Information for Family and Friends Carers) together with a table comparing the Entitlement to support by family and friends carers under Children Act 1989 Section 17 and Section 20. A link to the Statutory Guidance has been added in Relevant Guidance.
Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISA) for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to identify the maximum saving for a Junior ISA in a tax year is £4260, (See Section 1, What is a Junior ISA?).
Children Subject to Care Orders Who are Placed at Home This chapter has been reviewed and significantly updated; a new Section 1, Consultation before Placement identifies those people and agencies who should be involved in the decision. Other sections significantly updated are Section 3, Assessment if Parents Suitability to Care for the Child and Section 5, Process. The amendments provide greater deter detail when considering a placement of a child at home.
CLA Review Process This chapter has been reviewed; Section 5, Review When Potential Adoption Placement Has Been Identified has been amended to ensure that children in an adoption placement are reviewed 6 monthly as a minimum.
Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Review This chapter has been updated to acknowledge that in the absence of the appropriate Head of Service then an IRO/CP Chair can chair the meeting. (However, the IRO should not also be the chair of the Looked After Review) (see Section 2, The Composition of Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Reviews).
Health Care Assessments and Plans This chapter has been amended to add a new Section 1.8, Consent to Health Care Assessments.
Leaving Care Finance Policy This chapter has been reviewed and adjustments have been made with regard to updating the benefits available (see Section 2.3, Care Leavers 18 years and Older and Section 3.2, Setting Up Home Allowance - Care Leaver Grant).
Personal Advisers This chapter has been reviewed and amended. This update reflects the changes in responsibilities as a result of the Children and Social Work Act 2017.
Social Worker Visits to Children Looked After This chapter has been reviewed and revised to set out more clearly the circumstances where visiting requirements differ the exceptions (see Section 2, Exceptions) from those as set out in 'Normal Frequency'. The chapter emphasises that this reflects the minimum visits and acknowledges that visits may be more frequent following a review (or other meeting) or supervision and where direct work is required with the child or young person.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been fully reviewed and amended throughout. The chapter contains a new Section 2, Quality Assurance Cycle and two new Appendices: Appendix 2: Early Help Audit Process; and Appendix 3: MASH Audit Process.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery This chapter replaces the previous Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children chapter. The chapter was developed to reflect the 'Care of Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Modern Slavery - Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities (2017)' and contains a link to this. Please re-reference.
Sufficiency Needs Assessment for Children This chapter identifies what the 'Sufficiency Duty' is, acknowledging that it comes out of the 1989 Children Act (s.22G) which requires local authorities to take steps so far as reasonably practical, to provide children who are looked after and children whose circumstances are such that it would be consistent with their welfare for them to be provided with accommodation in the local authority area. The chapter also references the role of the Access to Resources team (ART) and the Knowsley's Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy. Please reference.
Leaving Care and Transition

This new chapter replaces two previous chapters and reflects the Children and Social Work Act 2017 on the Leaving Care Services and care leavers. Particularly:

  • The Local Offer - all local authorities must publish up-date information about the services it offers for care leavers and other services which may assist care leavers in, or preparing for, adulthood and independent living. There is a link to Knowsley's Local Offer;
  • Corporate parenting: the Children and Social Work Act 2017 establishes 7 Corporate Parenting Principles, which should include and involve not only the Local Authority providing Children's Social Care services, but also partner agencies;
  • Continuing Support Up to the Age of 25: all Care leavers between the ages of 21 and up to 25 will be entitled to support irrespective of whether they are in education or training. Even when they may not initially choose such support, they can return and seek support, which can be provided on specific issues or on a more comprehensive basis where this is needed.
Please fully re-reference.
The Local Offer This chapter introduces The Local Offer for the care leaving service and establishes it within the Knowsley framework of its policies and values.
Care Leavers Health History This chapter reflects the importance of a young person's health history as they leave care and identifies that as a part of this the LAC Nurse Specialist will provide a pack of information to the care leaver, meeting with the to explain and explore the purpose of this and promote their health. The LAC Nurse will seek to facilitate communication with fellow health professionals where the care leaver is living.
Standard Operational Procedure for the Provision of Care Leavers Health History This chapter, completed by NHS North West Boroughs Healthcare Foundation Trust, provides a procedure to ensure all care leavers have a health pack of their health history (see Care Leavers Health History chapter).
Removed Chapters
  • Guidance in Respect of the Use of Written Agreements within the Child Protection / Chin in Need Process;
  • Pathway Planning and Reviews;
  • Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care;
  • YJB National Standards and Case Management Guidelines.

December 2017

CAPTION: December 2017
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Knowsley Information Sharing Charter This chapter has been updated by adding a new Appendix A: Information Sharing Charter. This contains a section highlighting the Objectives of the Charter; Guiding Principles and Freedom of Information as well as the Tier 2 Information Sharing Agreement (between the partners).  
Young Carers This chapter has been extensively revised with regard to providing guidance on identifying and supporting young carers. Since April 2015, local authorities have had a duty to take 'reasonable steps' to identify children in their area who are young carers, and to determine if they need support. Local authorities must carry out an assessment whenever it appears that a young carer has a need for support (this could be either in their capacity as a young carer or in a more general sense as a child or young person). This assessment is called a Young Carer's Needs Assessment. A link to Knowsley Family Information Service has also been added in Local information.
Single Assessment Framework This chapter has been updated to recognise that a new single assessment should be completed every 12 months. However, where there are significant events that arise, an analysis with the Team Manager should be undertaken to clarify whether a further single assessment should be undertaken (see Section 5, Assessment – Timely, Transparent and Proportionate to Need).
Disclosure and Barring Service Check or Direct Police Check The chapter has been updated by adding a link to DBS: ID checking guidelines for DBS applicants. These guidelines were introduced on 24 October 2017 and must be used from 25 January 2018. However, they run parallel with the current guidelines as part of a transitionary process, and can be used with immediate effect. Nevertheless, it is important that applicants are fully aware of the information they should provide and complete in respect of documentation.
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated to note the process for initiating and the ending of Pre-Proceedings, (see Section 2, Pre-Proceedings).
Domestic Violence and Abuse This Knowsley SCB Chapter has been updated by adding a link to 'GOV.UK, Domestic abuse: a resource for health professionals (2017)'. This resource aims to support continuing improvement in the response from health and care services and allied healthcare partners. Note it replaces the 'DHSC Handbook for health professionals (2005)' and 'Domestic Violence: A Resource Manual for Health Care Professionals (2006)' and 'Improving Safety, Reducing Harm: CYP and DV – a toolkit (2010)'.
Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board: Child Sexual Exploitation - A Framework for Professionals Working with Children who Experience, or at Risk of, Sexual Exploitation This Knowsley SCB chapter has been updated to add a new Section 8, Further Information which provides additional material and guidance. Please note also that Merseyside Multi Agency Protocol – Child Sexual Exploitation (2016 – 2107) has been added in Relevant Guidance.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been amended to recognise that a new single assessment should be completed every 12 months. However, where there are significant events that arise, an analysis with the Team Manager should be undertaken to clarify whether a further single assessment should be undertaken. The single assessment should inform the decision that identifies the child's needs are met and a Plan is no longer required (see Section 4, Following the Review Meeting).
Children In Need moving across Local Authority Boundaries This chapter has been updated to add a link to North West Children in Need Moving across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures. See Relevant Guidance.
Children with Disabilities Referral Assessment and Planning This chapter has been reviewed and updated to identify that unless there is a significant event in the child's life, a new single assessment must be completed after 12 months to ensure there is an up to date and holistic assessment of the child's needs.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated to reflect the outcome of a court judgement on Ordinary Residence that was included in 'DHSC, Care and support statutory guidance (December 2016)' (See Section 12, Funding Issues - Ordinary Residence). A link has been added into Related Guidance to guidance on SEND: 19- to 25-year-olds' entitlement to EHC plans (DfE 2017).
North West ADCS Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures This chapter has been amended to update links to North West ADCS Pre-care and Care Proceedings  - Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure; North West Children in Need Moving across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures and North West Notification and Transfer of Children Subject of Child Protection Plans across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers

This chapter has been updated to reflect the DfE, Care of Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Modern Slavery: Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities (November 2017), (which has replaced the previous guidance on Care of Unaccompanied and trafficked children (2014). Section 3, Assessment has been updated with regards to in advance of undertaking an age assessment for an unaccompanied asylum seeking child, local authorities must seek Home Office assistance with verifying the authenticity of identity documents e.g. travel documents or a birth certificate. A link to the relevant contact details for local authorities has been added. The statutory guidance has been updated to link to the DfE 2017 Care of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of modern slavery – statutory guidance for local authorities. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is referenced in relation to age assessments.

A link to NRPF network, Securing British Citizenship for looked after children ('Project for Registration of Children as British Citizens') has also been provided (see Related Guidance).
Private Fostering This chapter has been amended throughout to reflect the current procedure and Departmental structure. Additionally note that where a private fostering notice appears complex then legal advise should be sought in the first instance as to the appropriateness of the private fostering arrangement (see Section 2, Business Process for Private Fostering). Note also that a point of clarity to the definition of private fostering with regards to the legislation was made: children under 16 who spend more than 2 weeks in residence during holiday time in a school they attend must also be considered as privately fostered, (see Section 1, Definition).
Transporting Children This chapter has been amended to reflect changes to the laws around booster seats and babies who now need to stay in rear facing seats until 15 months (see Seat belts/Restraints).
Decision to Look After and Post Placement Arrangements This chapter has been amended to reflect the outcome of an Appeal Court hearing (2017) with respect to 'consent'. The court recognised that the term 'consent' itself was not used in Section 20. However, it described previous court observations as 'good practice guidance', emphasising its judgment should not alter the content or effect of these (see Section 1.3, Obtaining Parental Consent to Look After a Child).
Permanency Policy and Care Planning Procedure This chapter has been reviewed and amended to advise that care planning should be informed by an up to date single assessment completed every 12 months. Where there are significant events that arise in between, an analysis with the Team Manager should be undertaken to clarify whether a further single assessment should be undertaken (see Section 4, Care Planning). The child's Looked After Review should also confirm one has been undertaken in a timely way.
Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers This chapter has been updated to acknowledge that IROs need to ensure each child has a single assessment completed every 12 months, or more frequently if a significant event occurs in the child's life. Review decisions should be made on the basis of a timely single assessment.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been updated by adding a link to Research in Practice, Contact after adoption, (see Relevant Guidance). This provides practical resources which bring together knowledge from research and practice to support professionals to be reflective when developing contact plans.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been amended to reflect the improvements that have been following the Ofsted inspections: there is a greater focus on impacts and outcomes for the children. It also includes a new Section 6, Learning from What Works Well; Team Managers, Heads of Service, Independent Reviewing Officers and Child Protection Chairs are now encouraged to share examples of best practice in the 'Good Practice Library'. This library is managed by the Quality Assurance and Audit Lead.
Special Guardianship Policy and Procedures This chapter has been comprehensively updated and re-drafted to reflect the Knowsley policies and practice in respect of Special Guardianship Orders (SGO). In addition to who may be eligible to apply for an SGO the chapter deals with the assessment process; Special Guardianship support: the plan, entitlement and services, financial support - including leaving care and the Appeals Process.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISA) for Looked After Children This chapter seeks to reflect the importance and purpose of encouraging a young person to save and identifies key detail about the Junior ISA. It also identify looked after children who are eligible for a Junior ISA and reflects the roles of the allocated social worker and IRO in this. The chapter has a link to relevant guidance. Please reference.
Removed Chapters
  • Adult Well being Scale;
  • Alcohol Use Questionnaire;
  • Home Conditions Assessment;
  • International Resilience Project: 15-Point Checklist for Resilience;
  • Resilience / Vulnerability Matrix;
  • Rosenburg Self Esteem Scale;
  • Tool for Drug Abuse.

July 2017

CAPTION: July 2017
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Emergency Duty Team Practice Guidance This chapter has been amended throughout to update the communication process required when the EDT are asked to continue with progressing work initiated during Office Hours and to acknowledge the EDT's responsibilities and expectations with respect to case recording. Social Work Teams are also required to ensure that Case Summaries are up to date and include contingency plans and that EDT Case Alerts are completed to ensure EDT can respond in the most effective and appropriate manner.
Single Assessment Framework This chapter has been updated to emphasise that children should be observed at their home, (see The Framework for Social Work Assessment) and that where plans are 'stepping down' a Single Assessment should be undertaken to evidence this, (see Assessment – Timely, Transparent and Proportionate to Need). Note also that Single Assessments should be completed in 30 days, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Family Group Conference Policy This chapter has been amended throughout to further detail the processes of family involvement and reflect the updated role of the Family Group Conference Co-ordinator role.
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated to reflect current procedures and confirm that The Transfer Pro Forma is now held on ICS.
Practice Standards This chapter has been updated throughout, notably to ensure broader communication with partner agencies, (see Section 47 Enquires and Initial CP Conference), with respect to strategy discussions and to confirm that the family should have the Initial Child Protection Conference report shared with them at least 24 hours before the conference itself, (see Initial Child Protection Conference).
Strategy Discussion/ Meeting Protocol This chapter has been updated to reflect current processes and procedures, notably with regard to strategy discussions, (see Introductions) and to update contact details, (see Appendix B).
Child Protection Review Process This chapter has been reviewed and amended to reflect current requirements and expectations, notably to ensure the chair of the conference should have access to the report at least 3 working days before the conference.
Cancellation of Conferences and CLA Reviews This chapter has been reviewed and amended and acknowledges that there should be agreement with the Quality Assurance manager when cancellation is being considered.
Policy for Children's Participation in the Child Protection Conference Process This chapter has been updated to identify that Quality Assurance generate a referral for NYAS for any child over 11 yrs subject to a Conference which the social worker is required to complete. Please re-reference.
Child Protection Conference Chairs Challenge Process This chapter has been updated to advise that IROs are required to report to the Quality Assurance Officer to ensure the ICS Challenge template is also entered onto the Challenge Log. Please re-reference.
Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol for 16 and 17 yr olds This chapter seeks to promote the consistent and joint working response between the Children's Social Care, Youth Offending and Strategic Housing Services to young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The chapter provides 'Accommodation' and 'Decision-making' pathways together with a number of Appendices which provide additional contact, resource and legal information as well as a Process Flowchart and Escalation Process. Please re-reference.
Services to Parents with Disabilities (Substance Misuse, Physical, Learning Disabilities or Domestic Abuse) and their Children This chapter has been updated to reflect the impact of the Care Act (2014). Please re-reference.
Contract Monitoring Process This chapter has been updated to reflect current roles and responsibilities in Knowsley. Please re-reference.
Permanency Policy and Care Planning Procedure This chapter has been reviewed and amended, particularly to acknowledge that the Decision Maker should agree any financial commitments.
Delegated Authority This chapter has been reviewed and updated, particularly with respect to the idea that all foster carers should have the Delegated Tool completed on them, especially for children who have a designated long term fostering plan, (see The Placement Plan).
Placement with Connected Persons This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to identify that interim placements and the financial support of Connected carers should be agreed by the Assistant Director.
Placements in Children's Homes This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect current processes and organisational decision-making and to confirm that the Access to Resources Team should consult other neighbouring authorities for availability of placements and provide the outcomes with the searches outlined, together with a Statement of the placement's purpose.
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed throughout. Any foster carer match will need the foster carer to be approved as a long term foster carer and this would need to be a panel recommendation and ADM decision before the matching meeting occurs.
Placement Plans This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed throughout. Any foster carer match will need the foster carer to be approved as a long term foster carer and this would need to be a panel recommendation and ADM decision before the matching meeting occurs.
Child Looked After Reviews This chapter has been reviewed and amended in line with current processes. In particular, that reviews must not be cancelled without the explicit permission of the Quality Assurance Unit Manager.
CLA Review Process

This chapter has been reviewed to update time frames, viz. Consultation on venue, invitations and dates to take place with child/ren and IRO within 5 days and the second review should be held within 3 months. A Care planning meeting to be held at least 10 working days before the review and should include parents, health professionals, education as well as the child and safeguarding staff and other relevant professionals.

Please re-reference.
The Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been reviewed and amended to reflect the current terminology.
Reviewing and Updating the Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been reviewed and amended to reflect the current terminology.
When a Child is Absent from School This chapter has been updated to add a link to 'Knowsley Virtual School for Children Looked After: School Attendance and Exclusions Strategy', (see Relevant Guidance). Please reference.
Concerns about Behaviour and School Exclusions This chapter has been updated to add a link to the Knowsley Virtual School for Children Looked After: School Attendance and Exclusions Strategy, (see Relevant Guidance).
First Aid and Medication This chapter has been reviewed and amended to confirm that all placements should keep comprehensive records of any drugs, medication or 'remedies' administered to a child.
Drugs and Substance Misuse This chapter has been reviewed and minor adjustments have been made. Please re-reference.
Contact with Family and Friends This chapter has been reviewed and amended throughout and confirms that overnight stays for children should be exceptional and part of the child's care plan and be recommended following a risk assessment, (see Section 1, Approving and Planning Contact). Any contact outside of the care plan should be agreed with the Team Manager and IRO. All contacts should be recorded on ICS (see Section 2, Supervised Contact)
Overnight Stays Away from the Placement or Other Staying Contact or Care Arrangements This chapter has been reviewed and amended throughout to reflect updated processes and procedures and highlights that the delegated Authority form on ICS should be completed for all children and that checks should be undertaken for family, friends and relatives and agreed by the Head of Service. Please re-reference.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and amended to further adjust previous changes, namely to acknowledge the role of the Recruitment and Marketing Coordinator (see Section 1, Responding to Enquiries) and to identify that some countries are able to issue certificates of good conduct (see: Section 4.4, Where the Applicant and Other Adults have Lived Overseas/Foreign National applicants).
Fostering Panel This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to acknowledge that the Panel may also consider the requirements in relation to the recommendations required from the agenda items and a record of attendees is made in the Panel Minutes.
Supervision of Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and updated to reflect that a schedule of visits by the supervising social worker to the foster carer can be done via ICS and needs to be agreed by the Team Manager. It should be kept up-to-date. Visits should include observing the children in the placement and therefore may need to be undertaken at evenings or weekends. Those Foster Carers who are Connected Persons and who have been approved on an interim basis, (Reg 24 of the Care planning, placement and review regulations 2010), should receive supervisory social work visits as all other foster carers. Unannounced visits, (see Section 4, Unannounced Visits), will take place at a minimum of twice yearly and the foster carer should not be advised about the timing of such visits.
Knowsley Foster Carer Review Policy This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to confirm that foster carer reviews will be chaired by the Fostering Team Manager. Please re-reference.
Smoking Policy This chapter has been amended to confirm that E-cigarettes are included in the smoking Policy together with any other form of vapour (see Policy).
References and Checks This chapter has been amended to identify that every three years Enhanced DBS checks need to be undertaken on all people in the household who are 18 and over, including young adults who are 'Staying Put', (see Requirements for Checks).
Foster Carers and Baby Sitting This chapter has been reviewed and amended to acknowledge that those baby-sitting for children in foster care should do not always require the normally have been subject to the usual vetting checks. However, the Local Authority at any time may deem it appropriate to carry out police checks and or DBS checks for regular baby sitters and or support networks.
Foster Carers Record Keeping and Retention Policy This chapter has been reviewed and amended to acknowledge that when a child's placement has ended, the foster carer or supervising social worker needs to ensure the information about the child or young person is removed and disposed of in an appropriate manner, (see Types of Information Held by Foster Carers). Foster carers should not keep any written record or photo of any child on their compute or social media (see Computer use).
Foster Carers who wish to Adopt a Child who they are Currently Fostering This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to acknowledge that when adoption becomes the plan for a child, foster carers who have formed a close attachment to the fostered child may ask to be considered as adoptive parents; this should be considered with the child's timescales in mind.
Fostering for Adoption and Concurrent Planning Placements in Knowsley This chapter has been amended to acknowledge it may be subject to review with the introduction of the Regional Adoption Agency, AIM.
For Safe and Proper Use of Internet and Computers for Children Looked After This chapter has been reviewed and small adjustments have been made.
Safer Caring Guidelines for Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and adjusted when the chapter has been re-titled and reference throughout made to 'Safer Caring'.
Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol This chapter has been reviewed to advise that a carer should not give 28 days notice when children are in place, unless they do not wish for the placement to continue. Also, that transferring to another agency will be subject to their approval (as carers).
Allegations Against Foster Carers and/or Prospective Adopters

This chapter has been reviewed and amended to reference both foster carers and prospective adopters and to emphasise that managers dealing with such issues should seek advise and guidance from the LADO at the initial stages, (see Initial Action).

(Please note: this chapter is referenced at point 5.7.6 of the Manual with respect to the section on Foster Carers. It previously linked to the Knowsley SCB chapter which provided strategic guidance.)
Leaving Care Finance Policy This chapter has been reviewed and amended throughout to identify the key payments that can be made to care leavers from theirn18th birthday and provides further considerable information and detail. Please re-reference.
Pathway Planning and Reviews The chapter has been reviewed and notes that Pathway Plans for after care leavers who are 18+ will be undertaken annually (see Over 18 Reviewing of Pathway Plans).
Behaviour Management Plans This chapter has been reviewed and revised to note that Behaviour Management Plans should be linked to Care Plans, rewards, consequences and risk assessments and inform the actions of all staff and children.
Behaviour Management Policy for Foster Carers This chapter has been fully refreshed and updated and identifies that Behaviour Management Plans should be agreed within the placement plan and children looked after reviews. All social work staff involved should understand the rewards, sanctions and behaviour management within the foster carer's home.

This chapter has been reviewed and updated and re-titled as a result. All young people should understand the rules of the home and consequences to behaviours. Consequences should be given in order to improve the outcomes for our children.

Consequences should be in accordance with the Behaviour Management Plan for a child. If a restraint or consequences are imposed, this should be on the basis of danger/risk for a child and the manager should be informed immediately with a chronology of events completed before the staff member's shift is completed (see Section 2, Permissible Consequences).

Please re-reference.
Physical Intervention: Practice Guidance for Social Workers This chapter has been updated to note that any restraint should be made within the parameters of the child's Behaviour Management Plan and when a child places themselves or others In direct danger. The subsequent report together with any report from others on shift should then be shared immediately with the Registered Manager and Responsible Individual.
Service User Feedback

This chapter has been fully updated and re-titled.

Please re-reference.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been amended to emphasise that auditors should consider the impact and outcome of the planned interventions (see Section 4, Assessing and Reviewing Practice). Note also that Appendix 3: Diagram of Audit Pathway has been amended
Personal Care and Relationships This chapter has been updated by adding the DfE definition for Child Sexual exploitation and a link to the DfE Child sexual exploitation: definition and guide for practitioners (2017) (see Sexual Exploitation)
Use of Photography or Videos with Children Looked After This chapter has been updated to emphasise the need to ensure photographs and video-images are not made on personal devices and should not be sent electronically, unless they can be sent securely and there is parental consent to do so.
Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been amended as a result of an internal review of Special Guardianship Orders and comprehensively details the policy and processes regarding applications for Special Guardianship Orders, including the financial support that may be available. The chapter provides a link to the latest statutory guidance, (Relevant Guidance).
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Knowsley Corporate Parenting Board - Terms of Reference This chapter describes and reflects the Knowsley Corporate Parenting Board's responsibilities and membership – and contains some clear messages from some children and young people!
Pre-Birth Assessment This chapter provides detailed information and a multi-agency approach to prebirth assessments, including relevant agencies roles and responsibilities and the management of the assessment process itself. It highlights a range of key indicators and risks with respect to identifying concerns and useful tools in the Appendices. Please reference.
Case Records and Retention This chapter details the key documents that a child's record should have – whether electronic or otherwise. The record should be kept up-date and where a child is Looked After, personal achievements, photographs, etc. as appropriate. It is important also to reflect the wishes, feeling and views of the child - irrespective of their legal status.
Joint Housing Protocol for Care Leavers This chapter seeks to promote the necessary joint working between the Children's Social Care and Strategic Housing departments to ensure that the diverse needs of care leavers are met, prevent homelessness and ensure the effective management of housing crises for young people where they occur.
Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers This chapter details the role of the IRO – particularly with respect to the expectations of the IRO regarding issues that arise in-between the child's reviews and as a result legislation and the 'DfE, Care Planning and Case Review Regulations guidance (2015)'.
Relinquished Children

The term 'relinquished child' is used to describe a child, usually a baby or at pre-birth stage, whose parents are making the choice of adoption for the child.

This chapter deals with the first stages of the adoption process for relinquished children, whilst signposting other key processes that should be progressed and which are expected for any child who is Accommodated or where the plan is for adoption. It also summarises the counselling and support that will be made available to the birth family in these circumstances. Once a decision is made and consent is formally given, although not irreversible, the adoption process is as for any other child.
Role of the Supervising Social Worker This chapter details the fostering social worker's role and the expectations on them in respect of their work with foster carers, including a visiting regime and when a child is initially placed with a carer.
Documents Library

This has been added to the manual and contains links to the 34 residential procedures.

The documents library is accessed via the toolbar button located on the manual, and is also referenced in the Fullerton Eligibility Criteria chapter.
Updated Terminology
Education Support Team This has been replaced with 'Virtual School'.
Child Sexual Exploitation Please note new keyword and reference as required.
Removed Chapters
  • Notifications and Transfer of Children Subject to a Child Protection Plans Moving from/to Other Local Authority Areas;
  • Care and Permanence Planning Meetings;
  • Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations.

December 2016

CAPTION: December 2016
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework

This chapter has been amended by adding a new Appendix containing 4 audit tools: CIN/CP/CLA Audit Tool; MASH Audit Tool; STRATEGY MEETINGS/DISCUSSIONS and S47 ENQUIRIES Audit Tool and Foster Carer Review Audit Tool.

In addition, Appendix 2 has been updated to provide details of the forthcoming year's audit activity. The Quality Assurance and Learning Framework chapter will be further updated in 2017.

Knowsley MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)

(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)

This chapter links to the Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Manual which has been updated by adding an Appendix to the Children's Safeguarding Services – Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Operational Procedures.

This substantial guide provides comprehensive information on the roles of staff; the interface with Early Help and Children's Social Care; the processes within MASH, including prioritising work and actions; Initiating section 47 Enquiries; Dispute Resolution procedures and a range of appendices highlighting key 'pathways' etc. Please reference to ensure full familiarity with this key procedural area and process.

Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This chapter has been updated and amended throughout.
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated to add a new Social Work Evidence Template (Final Statement) (see Appendix 13: Local Authority Social Work Evidence Template (Final Statement) and updated Local Authority Social Work Evidence Template (SWET) (see Appendix 8: Local Authority Social Work Evidence Template (SWET)).
North West ADCS Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures This chapter has been amended to add an updated link to North West Pre-care and Care Proceedings Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure.
Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy This chapter has been updated and in particular a new Appendix 'North West Protocol for Standards in Supervision of Children and Families Social Workers' has been added. Amendments have been also made with regard to the other Appendices: Supervision Record, Supervision Notes and Supervision Contract.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been amended to provide additional detail in respect of stepping down and ending a Child in Need arrangement (see Section 9, Step Down and Section 11, Ending Child in Need Plan).
Children with Disabilities Referral Assessment and Planning This chapter has been reviewed and updated to acknowledge the threshold whereby 'Family First' will progress a referral; (see Section 2, Referrals); practice guidance in respect of the Parent Carers Assessment (see Section 4, Single Assessment) and transition planning under the Care Act (2014) (see Section 6, Planning).
Short Breaks This chapter has been reviewed and amended to identify that an Early Help Assessment can be used to trigger a request for a Short Break (see Section 3, Levels of Assessment).
Fullerton Eligibility Criteria This chapter has been reviewed and amended to include a title change to reflect Fullerton Grove's role.
Knowsley Complex Needs and Resource Panel This chapter has been updated to include an updated Funding Request Form (see: Appendix 1: Children's Complex Needs Panel Funding Request Form) and to acknowledge a change of timescales of circulating material from the Panel, (ten days). Amendments also include changes to the expected membership of the Panel.
Cross Border Child Protection Cases under the Hague Convention This chapter has been updated to add a link to the updated International Child Abduction and Contact Unit. This itself contains a link to 'DfE International Child Abduction Unit: request for co-operation form' (and guidance).
Family and Friends Care Policy This chapter has been reviewed and amended throughout. Please re-reference.
Care and Permanence Planning Meetings This chapter has been reviewed and updated to specify permanent planning decision-making processes – which vary dependent upon the proposed Plan. Links to 'DfE guidance, Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review'.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been significantly updated throughout to reflect changes to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) which defines 'arrested juvenile' for the purpose of Part 4 of that Act (detention). The effect of the change is that 17 year olds are included in the definition of 'arrested juvenile'. The amendments made by section 42 of the Act came into force on 26th October 2015.
Permanency Policy and Care Planning Procedure This chapter has been fully reviewed and significantly amended to ensure the chapter reflects the Department's key aims and processes - including respective manager's roles.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the current organisational roles and responsibilities and includes an assessment form and link to the NSPCC toolkit.
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed throughout to comprehensively update the section on the disruption of a placement, as well as to provide some additional detail regarding key processes and to acknowledge that a senior manager needs to be involved, together with the Head of the Virtual School when considering a change of school for a child.
Duty to Promote the Educational Achievement of Looked After Children This chapter has been updated by adding a link to 'DfE, Mental health and behaviour in schools'. Also note, the link to an updated version of 'Keeping Children safe in education (September 2016)'.
HIV and AIDS This chapter has been updated to add a link to 'NCB/Hamblin, Practice guidance: supporting young people with HIV testing and prevention (2016)'.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and amended to acknowledge the role of the Recruitment and Marketing Coordinator (see Section 1, Responding to Enquiries) and to identify that some countries are able to issue certificates of good conduct (see: Section 4.4, Where the Applicant and Other Adults have Lived Overseas/Foreign National applicants).
Limit on the Number of Children in Foster Homes This chapter has been reviewed and updated to include three appendices: Exemption Request from Usual Fostering Limit form; Exemption Request from Usual Fostering Limit (Conditions) form; Exemption Certificate.
Fostering for Adoption and Concurrent Planning Placements in Knowsley This chapter has been updated: during the planning of a Fostering for Adoption placement or if the child is already in such a placement, there is any change to the circumstances of prospective carers, including relatives, a planning meeting with the Fostering for Adoption carers should be held to include all professionals so that the carers can make informed choices (see Section 2.1, Fostering for Adoption).
For Safe and Proper Use of Internet and Computers for Children Looked After This chapter has been updated by adding a link to 'Child safety Online: A practical guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media'.
Adoption Support The chapter has been updated to add a link to Mott Macdonald/DfE, Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund.
Staying Put This chapter has been significantly updated to add a new section, Section 10, Staying Put Agreement which contains guidance; roles and responsibilities and a detailed agreement pro-forma– including payments.
Pathway Planning and Reviews The chapter has been reviewed to add an additional section on reviewing Pathway Plans when the young person is 18 plus yrs (see Section 4.1, Over 18 Reviewing of Pathway Plans).
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody This chapter has been updated to develop Section 1, Introduction and Section 2, Relevant' Young People in Custody and Section 3.5, Visits– particularly following concerns from Ofsted or HMIP.
Social Worker Visits This chapter has been reviewed and amended to ensure the visiting schedule for children in a variety of care settings is clearly available, (see Section 1, Normal Frequency). The Update also provides a 'template' of headings / issues to be covered when the visit is recorded, (see Section 4, Recording).
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services This chapter has been significantly updated throughout to reflect changes to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) which defines 'arrested juvenile' for the purpose of Part 4 of that Act (detention). It focuses on young people who are thought to have offended and would otherwise be in police custody or who are remanded. Whenever the police detain a child or young person (aged 10 to 17), or interview them as a voluntary attender, they must inform an Appropriate Adult as soon as is practicable and ask them to attend (see Section 2.1, Safeguarding Children and Young People in Police Custody).
Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been updated to add links to: The 'DfE Special Guardianship Guidance (2016)' and 'Mott Macdonald/DfE, Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund'.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Children's Safeguarding Services: Team SHIELD - Operational Procedures Knowsley Child Exploitation and Missing Children Service is a multi-agency team for children at risk of sexual exploitation, being Trafficked and missing from home or care, (whether placed in or out of borough). The service brings together agencies from a range of services to work in partnership to provide a dedicated and specialist service to children. The detailed chapter fully describes the role and function of the team – including its structure – together with relevant referral forms and assessment tools. Please ensure familiarity of the chapter.
Knowsley Risk Management Toolkit This chapter has been developed to enable practitioners to identify and evaluate the impact of any identified risk and to safeguard children in a multi-agency framework. The Toolkit assists in undertaking assessments and plan SMART interventions as well as develop contingency plans.
Guidance in Respect of the Use of Written Agreements within the Child Protection / Child in Need Processes Working agreements are commonly used by social workers and other professionals when working with families, to promote safeguarding for children. It is highlighted that whilst these are useful tools, they are more effective in some scenarios than others and the chapter highlights key principles for drawing them up. The chapter contains two appendices which include a 'template Agreement' risk assessment matrix and a Working Agreement Template.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This procedure sets out the specific provision under the Children and Families Act 2014 in relation to children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs or disabilities and their carers. For the purposes of the Act, 'young person' is someone aged 16-25. The Care Act 2014 introduced changes to adult care and support. This also includes transitions for young disabled people into adulthood, and support to carers.
Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol for 16 and 17 yr olds This protocol seeks to promote partners to work effectively in a consistent and co-ordinated way to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The protocol details a range of key practice issues, including the assessment of 'homelessness' and the Accommodation Pathways, as well as key legislation surrounding this area and a resolution process where there remain concerns. Safeguarding a young person should be at the centre of professional actions and planning. Appendix 4 of the chapter provides specific guidance for social workers.
Preventing Homelessness: Protocol between Knowsley Housing Trust, Family First and CSC This chapter focuses on a protocol for preventing housing crises and homelessness. The focus is on information sharing where there are such concerns and sharing the outcome of any assessments that are conducted via the MASH process.
Agreement to Accommodate a Child This chapter focuses on key issues with regard to Accommodating a child under Section 20 (Children Act 1989), frequently referred to 'voluntary accommodation'. Recent court judgments have expressed concern about how parental agreement is obtained and the delay that has occurred in planning permanency arrangements for children. The chapter contains a link to the ADCS / CAFCASS guidance on Section 20. Please ensure that this chapter is fully read and that it informs practice.
Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol This chapter seeks to detail key aspects and processes when foster carers may want to transfer to a different provider agency. The chapter highlights that children's needs should be at the centre of any such transfer and that no foster carer can be registered with more than one agency at any one time.
Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures Manual- Protocol for joint working between Children's Social Care, YOS, Merseyside Probation Service and CRC – Care Leavers released from custody This Knowsley SCB protocol describes the roles, responsibilities and relationships between relevant agencies working with young people who have been Looked After by the Local Authority and who are released from custody. Its purpose is to promote planning and clarity for these young people at a time of vulnerability for them and to help reduce their risk of a return to a custodial setting.
Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations

This chapter deals with recording of meetings/conversations by individual service-users, in their capacity as private individuals. Note that the employees of the local authority, acting in their professional capacity, are subject to different legislative requirements, e.g. under the Data Protection Act 2018.

This is a developing area, and legal advice must be sought as necessary.

June 2016

CAPTION: June 2016
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter has been updated throughout to reflect current practice and new sections on Early Help (see Section 10, Early Help Audit Process) and MASH Audit Process (see Section 11, MASH Audit Process) have been added together with an updated Social Care Core Audit Schedule 2015/16.
Emergency Duty Team Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated to reflect the process required when the EDT are asked to continue with progressing work initiated during Office Hours and to acknowledge the EDT's responsibilities and expectations with respect to case recording. Social Work Teams are also required to complete 'Case Summaries' and EDT Alerts to ensure and effective and appropriate response.
Single Assessment Framework This chapter has been fully renewed, re-titled and updated to provide a succinct framework of assessment and evaluation for children and families in line with Working Together and the Munro Report (2011). The chapter also asks social workers to consider whether a child or family has been a victim of compulsory labour, servitude and slavery. A link to Home Office Guidance on this has been provided.
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated throughout to reflect an updated process and to add an updated Appendix A: Transfer Meeting Proforma.
Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This chapter Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board chapter has been fully reviewed and revised. Guidance emphasises the need for agencies and employers who are involved in any capacity with children to have clear procedures, together with staff to who will be responsible for recognising and reporting issues of concern. The chapter seeks to provide information on thresholds, procedures and working protocols between agencies and provides a Flowchart to describe key features of the processes.
Whistleblowing This chapter has been amended by adding a link to Whistleblowing to Ofsted about Children's Social Care Services (2016).
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been refreshed and amended. A new section has been included in respect of ending a Child in Need Plan (see Section 11, Ending Child in Need Plan) and there are revised timescales (see Section 2, Child in Need Plan). Nevertheless, the Child in Need Plan should be reviewed every 6 weeks, or as described by the Team Manager.
Children In Need moving across Local Authority Boundaries This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed.
Children with Disabilities Referral Assessment and Planning This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the current structure.
Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board: Child Sexual Exploitation - A Framework for Professionals Working with Children who Experience, or at Risk of, Sexual Exploitation
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)

This Knowsley Council and LSCB guidance provides information about sexual exploitation, the roles and responsibilities of relevant agencies and the procedures practitioners should follow to ensure the safety and well-being of children and young people who it is suspected have been sexually exploited.

The chapter emphasises the importance multi-agency working and provides relevant additional reading and tools to assist decision-making.

The chapter fully replaces the previous chapter on this and should be fully re-read.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers This chapter has been reviewed and updated to include a revised Single Assessments (see Section 3, Assessment) which includes the age-assessment, (including the criteria around which an Assessment is completed). An additional item has been added with regard to Assessment, to consider whether there are any indications in the assessment that may give rise to concern as to whether the child is a young person is subject compulsory labour or slavery. A link to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is included.
Families with no Recourse to Public Funds This chapter has been updated to reflect the impact of the Care Act 2014 (see Section 2, Role of the Local Authority) and a new section on Independent Family Returns Panel (see Section 4, Independent Family Returns Panel).
Private Fostering This chapter has been fully reviewed throughout to provide additional detail in respect of the Private Fostering process and to recognise the joint working between the children's team social worker and the Fostering social worker. Contact details for notifications of Knowsley Private Foster Carers are included in Section 3, Notifications to the local Authority.
Decision to Look After and Post Placement Arrangements This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the organisational structure.
Delegated Authority This chapter has been reviewed and updated. In particular requirements in respect of choosing a school (see Section 8, Guidance on Key Consents) and Passports in Section 9, Areas where Foster Carers cannot Legally give Consent. In respect of Holidays, there is an expectation that foster carers take foster children on holiday with them and that children should not be taken on holiday in school time (see Section 10, Foster Carer Holidays and Prolonged Stays with Relatives and Friends).
Placements with Parents This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the organisational structure.
Placement with Connected Persons This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect current processes and organisation decision-making.
Placements in Children's Homes This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect current processes and organisation decision-making.
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect current processes and organisation decision-making.
Placements in Secure Accommodation This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect current processes and organisation decision-making.
Placements Outside England and Wales This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect current processes and organisation decision-making.
Placement Plans This chapter has been amended to acknowledge that where there are behaviour issues for a child, Placement Plans should seek to address how this will be addressed and include an additional behaviour management Plan where necessary (see Section 11, During the Meeting, the Chairperson should ensure the following).
IRO Dispute Resolution Guidance Notes for Practitioners This chapter has been fully reviewed and refreshed. The chapter contains an updated IRO Dispute Resolution Flowchart which describes the stages of the resolution process and an Appendix 1: IRO Dispute Resolution Process Form.
Virtual School This chapter has been significant updated by adding a new Section 2, Support for Post 16 Education and Training which which emphasises the communication and joint working between the Social Worker, Personal Adviser and Virtual School staff, together with the need to progress the financial supports that are required from The Bursary and Department of Works and Pensions.
The Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been updated to update and amend Appendix 2: Personal Education Plan Review Form – Spring.
Reviewing and Updating the Personal Education Plan (PEP) This chapter has been updated to update the detail of the Cycle of PEP reviews.
When a Child is Absent from School This chapter has been significantly updated throughout in terms of Procedure and the Virtual School Role. Please re-read.
Contact with Parents and Siblings This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed and reflects the role of the Team Manager.
Overnight Stays Away from the Placement or Other Staying Contact or Care Arrangements This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed throughout with small adjustments to detail.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and amended and adjustments made to reflect the role of the Recruitment and Marketing Co-ordinator (see Section 1, Responding to Enquiries) and to add additional detail with regard to applicants who have come from, or lived abroad, (see Section 4.4, Where the Applicant and Other Adults have Lived Overseas/Foreign National applicants).
Fostering Panel This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the organisational structure.
Limit on the Number of Children in Foster Homes This chapter has been reviewed and updated to reflect the current organisational structure and to advise that exemptions should be made in exceptional circumstances only. Where there is an emergency, the Agency Decision Maker can make a decision which can be presented at the following Fostering Panel meeting, (see Section 3, Planned Exemptions).
Supervision of Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed, refreshed updated and acknowledges that supervision of foster carers will be 4 times year minimum (see Section 3, Frequency of Supervision) and foster carers will not be advised about the timing of unannounced visits, (see Section 4, Unannounced Visits).
Knowsley Foster Carer Review Policy This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed. Updates have been made particularly in Section 3, Termination/Revision of Approval and Section 4, Withdrawing from Fostering.
Persons Disqualified from Fostering This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed and reflects the current structure of the Department in the decision-making process.
Smoking Policy This chapter has been amended to advise that Electronic cigarettes will be regarded as smoking tobacco cigarettes, due to the unknown health risks they may pose. Section 5, Approval of New Foster Carers has also been significantly amended. Please re-reference as required.
References and Checks This chapter has been amended to recognise delegated authority in respect of children staying with friends. Please see Disclosure and Barring Service in Section 3, Requirements for Checks.
Health and Safety Check for Knowsley Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed and small adjustments have been made to reflect current practice.
Foster Carers and Baby Sitting This chapter has been reviewed and amended: foster carers should use the pool of approved baby sitters and be mindful of the vulnerability of the sitter with regard to the foster child (see Section 4, Choosing a Baby Sitter).
Foster Carers Record Keeping and Retention Policy This chapter has been reviewed and amended. It emphasises that care should be made in respect of the security of the record and that a 'diary ' as such should not be kept; recording should be made on daily record sheets. Arrangements about recording and who this should be shared with can be discussed at the Placement Planning Meeting and is especially relevant to Connected Persons placements.
Foster Carers who wish to Adopt a Child who they are Currently Fostering This chapter has been reviewed and small amendments have been made. In particular, where carers are adopting, this will not necessarily exclude them from continuing to foster although this should be considered through an assessment process and include the views of the adoption manager and child's social worker in respect of the adopted child and their needs for permanence.
Fostering for Adoption and Concurrent Planning Placements in Knowsley This chapter has been reviewed: small adjustments have been made.
Safe Caring Guidelines for Foster Carers This chapter has been reviewed and adjusted to emphasise that foster carers should share any issues that occur or concerns they have as soon as possible, particularly in respect of sexualised behaviour or disclosure.
Leaving Care Finance Policy Some minor amendments have been made throughout the chapter.
Pathway Planning and Reviews Please note that where contact is lost with a young person, the Team Manager must be immediately made aware, (see Section 4, Review of Pathway Plan).
Personal Advisers It is emphasised that where a Personal Adviser loses touch with a young person, they should make the Team Manager aware immediately and a plan will be agreed. All attempts to make contact with the young person should be recorded in line with any relevant risk assessments.
Leaving Care Guidance It emphasises that young people will draw up their Pathway Plans with the assistance of their Personal Advisers and careful consideration must be given to the young person's finance when finding alternative accommodation and in ensuring accountability of their finance generally.
Behaviour Management Plans This chapter confirms that since November 2015 there should be active consideration for all Children Looked After to have a Behaviour Management Plan, notably young people in residential care. Some will be guided as a result of therapeutic input.
Behaviour Management Policy for Foster Carers This chapter has been fully refreshed and identifies that Behaviour Management Plans should be distributed to Foster Carers.
Sanctions Sanctions should be in accordance with the Behaviour Management Plan for a child. If a restraint or sanctions are imposed, this should be on the basis of danger for a child and the manager should be informed immediately with a chronology of events completed before the staff member's shift is completed (see Section 2, Permissible Sanctions).
Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been reviewed and updated to reflect the role of the Permanence Panel (see Section 6, Approval of Special Guardianship for Children Looked After and the Role of the Permanence Panel) and the enhanced assessment and reporting requirements (for all applications made from 29 February 2016) as set out in the Special Guardianship (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (see Section 5, Planning Meeting).
Court Reports in Adoption and Special Guardianship This chapter has been updated to reflect the enhanced assessment and reporting requirements (for all applications made from 29 February 2016) as set out in the Special Guardianship (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (see Section 3, Special Guardianship - Matters to be Dealt with in Report for the Court).
Child Arrangements Order/Residence Order Allowances This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the predominance of the Child Arrangements Orders as against Residence Orders which it replaced. The update also includes the two Appendices provided. However, existing Residence Allowances are included with respect to the criteria and levels of allowance, etc.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
Designated Managers This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Young Carers This chapter reflects the Young Carers Needs (Needs Assessments) Regulations 2015 and identifies the framework that needs to be used to undertake assessments. Young Carers are defined as anyone who is under 18yrs who provides practical or emotional support to another member of the family, whether this is an adult or child.
The local authority is expected also to undertake reasonable steps to identify 'young carers' in their area.
Please fully read.
Case Summaries Guidance This short chapter highlights the reason for case summaries and what they should contain. Summaries are important for any colleague who needs to undertake a task in the absence of the allocated social worker.
Police and Social Care Joint Working Protocol This chapter details the working together arrangements between Children's Social Care and the Merseyside Police to promote good joint practices where children are identified as being at risk if significant harm. Actions in respect of section 47 Enquiries and video-recorded interviews with children under ABE are detailed together with joint planning and working through the investigative process. Please fully read.
Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This chapter details the joint working arrangements of the Youth Offending Service, (YOS) Children's Social Care and the Police. The protocol is described as a working tool which provides the framework for particularly the YOS and Children's Social Care in respect of a number of key issues. Please fully read.
Joint Merseyside Protocol for the Provision of Local Authority Accommodation This Protocol seeks to clarify the duties and responsibilities of agencies with regard to the arrangements to transfer children and young people aged 10yrs – 16 yrs to local authority accommodation when they have been charged and denied bail, in order to safeguard them by avoiding their detention by the police overnight. Please fully read.
Children's Social Care Lone Working Policy This chapter requires staff who are working on their own to be aware of a range of health and safety issues. The chapter contains Appendices, including the Corporate Health and Safety General Risk Assessment, together with a range of advice and guidance for staff. Please fully read.
North West ADCS Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures This chapter provides links to recommended ADCS regional procedures for transferring children and families across local authority boundaries.
It is anticipated that when local authorities in the region follow these procedures, then the outcomes for children will be improved as they will be better safeguarded and able to access the services to meet their needs as required.
Child Protection Conference Chairs Challenge Process This chapter details the process by which the chairs of Child Protection Conferences must seek to address shortfalls with the child protection system in order to improve and maintain good outcomes for children. The process allows for three levels to ensure any concerns are appropriately dealt with. The Challenge Process might be initiated prior to the Conference, during initial discussions between the lead practitioner and chair.
The chapter has a 'Child Protection Challenge Log Sheet' to facilitate the challenge process. The chapter should be read by all Conference chairs and lead practitioners who attend.
Fullerton Grove This chapter seeks to identify the service offered by Fullerton Grove short Stay Residential Care Unit and includes a criteria for application together with the way the service hopes to link in to other supports for children and their families. Please fully read.
Knowsley Multi-Agency Permanency Panel - Terms of Reference This chapter details the purpose, structure and membership of this Panel, which scrutinises and makes recommendations in respect of a range of permanency decisions for children in Knowsley.
Knowsley Early Years Service This short chapter provides information on children aged 2 – 4 yrs entitlement to early years education. An Information contact number is provided.
Standards for the Audit of Single Assessments and Child in Need Planning This chapter establishes the key practice standards for Single Assessments and Child in Need planning and effectively provides a 'checklist' for practitioners and auditors of basic practice processes that should be expected in interventions with children and their families.

February 2016

CAPTION: February 2016
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Education of Children Looked After The sections of this chapter have been disaggregated into 18 chapters to promote easier access and reference. (Please see section 5.4 of the manual).
Staying Put This chapter has been updated to fully refresh and update the chapter and to make the key relevant information more accessible. The chapter also provides some focus to young people and their carers who will require Adult Services.
Behaviour Management Policy for Foster Carers This chapter has been fully refreshed, updated and focuses on managing behaviour in foster placements. The chapter provides guidance on appropriate physical contact with children and links this to the Standards and Regulatory framework.
Notifiable Incidents Process (Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board) This chapter now links to Knowsley LSCB and reflects the Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) Notifiable Incidents criteria and process, i.e. where there has been the death of a child or serious incident. All those with a responsibility for children should be aware of this chapter.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Practice Standards This chapter provides a comprehensive 'checklist' of standards and tasks that should be undertaken and evidenced for a range of areas and includes undertaking Single Assessments, child protection, working with Looked After Children and supervision. Please fully read this chapter.
Smoking Policy

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Department of Health and Social Care circular LAC (94) 4 - Guidelines on smoking and alcohol consumption in residential childcare establishments. It identifies Knowsley MBC's clear policy with respect to all staff, including foster carers, regarding smoking and includes recruitment of Foster Carers and placement of children.

The chapter also acknowledges that from October 2015, smoking is illegal in cars when carrying a child under 18 years. A link to government guidance on this is provided.
Foster Carers Record Keeping and Retention Policy This chapter details the types of information foster carers should keep, who the information is for and how to record it. The chapter also details the retention records and the changes in the data protection act which confirms the records are the 'property' of the Knowsley Council.
For Safe and Proper Use of Internet and Computers for Children Looked After This chapter provides a basic but useful guide as to the issues around using the internet and e-mail with regard to children, including safeguarding and its appropriate use. Staff should be aware so that they both advise but also ensure carer's are promoting safe and proper use by children and young people.
Safe Caring Guidelines for Foster Carers This Policy seeks to provide a framework to help foster carers make and maintain a safe environment for children.
Adoption Case Files Procedure This procedure details that an 'Adoption Case File' should be created alongside the child's case file when the plan for adoption is established. The chapter details the information that needs to be kept on the file and that, if an Adoption Order is made, the file must be retained for at least 100 yrs.

November 2015

CAPTION: November 2015
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Family Group Conference Policy This chapter has been amended to recognise and note changes in respect of the Family Group Conference Co-ordinator role and process. Note that the referral form is now reached via ICS.
Knowsley Information Sharing Charter This chapter fully details the importance and practice of appropriate information sharing and the issues around the balance of this and confidentiality. This chapter includes the Tier 2 – Information Sharing Agreement (see see Appendix A: Tier 2 - Information Sharing Agreement Template). A link to the DfE statutory guidance is also provided.
Please fully read.
Child in Need Planning and Review This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed to emphasise Early Help and the Step Down process.
Short Breaks This chapter has been updated to update Section 7, Short Break Settings, revised links to new Quality Standards for Children's Homes, Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Residential Special schools (DfE statutory guidance). Some additional references have been applied to also to note the Children and Family Act (2014) and to the 'Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review' where its considered to be helpful.
Travel Support Policy This chapter has been fully updated and contains relevant and useful information in additional Appendices. Please access as required.
Guidance for Taxi/Transport Requests This chapter has been updated to reflect the current structure and to reflect that the use of a taxi must be authorised by the Head of Service. Taxis must only be used in exceptional circumstances. No arrangement for using a taxi can exceed one month before being subject to review by the Head of Service.
Child Looked After Reviews This chapter has been reviewed and updated to include links to 'The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review' and 'IRO Handbook - Statutory guidance for independent reviewing officers and local authorities on their functions in relation to case management and review for looked after children'.
PEP Process This chapter has been updated to add a new Personal Education Plan Review Form and Designated Teacher PEP Checklist.
Education of Children Looked After This chapter has been updated and comprehensively revised and updated and reflects current regulation, legislation and Knows ley policy and procedures.
Please fully read.
Health Care Assessments and Plans This chapter has been amended with regard to the Health Care Assessments and their frequency. Please re-read.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers This chapter has been extensively updated in line with the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 and revised Statutory Guidance. A two-stage assessment process has been introduced. The chapter should be re-read throughout.
Fostering Panel This chapter has been updated in and further details the Agency decision maker role; the process of the minutes and the issue of expenses of Panel members.
Knows ley Foster Carer Review Policy This chapter has been fully updated to fully reflect Knowsley's processes and procedures in respect of reviewing foster carers, together with the possible outcomes of this.
Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers This chapter details the processes and procedure to be followed when there are safeguarding allegations about an individual working with, or involved with, or potentially involved with, children in a professional or voluntary capacity. It is important that there is a careful and balanced approach when looking at the allegation, but it is clear that any allegation must be treated seriously and investigated as any other concern about a child would be. Such allegations are invariably multi-faceted in nature and the role of the Designated Officer (LADO) is key. All practitioners and managers should be familiar with this chapter.
Persons Disqualified from Fostering This chapter has been amended to detail disqualification issues and matters, (See 'Persons Disqualified from Fostering').
Adoption Panel This chapter has been reviewed and updated to clarify the Panel Advisors role and position, that the Panel deals only with Adoption matters and to emphasise the nature of the confidential material sent to Panel members.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been reviewed and minor amendments have been made to provide additional emphasis in key areas for staff and to ensure equality of opportunity for applicants.
Placement for Adoption

This chapter has been updated in line with the Children and Families Act 2014, with the overall aim of speeding up the adoption process. The chapter has been updated throughout and should be fully re-read.

The main changes are in relation to:

  • The duty to consider fostering for Adoption placement;
  • The removal of the requirement to give due consideration to a child's religious persuasions, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background when matching a child and prospective adopter;
  • Post adoption contact;
  • Placing of siblings.
Adoption Reviews This chapter has been reviewed and amended, particularly with respect to the 'Later Life letter' and completing matters when the Adoption Order is made.
Disruption of Adoptive Placements This chapter has been reviewed with small amendments being made.
Non-Agency Adoption This chapter has been reviewed and amended. It has been noted that such applicants need two referees.
Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records This chapter has been amended and updated to add new sections on services and Intermediary services to adults who have been adopted and include: Services to Adopted Adults; Birth Relatives and Access to Files; Adoption Contact Register; No Contact Requests and Vetoes.
Additionally, appendices have been added to promote a consistent practice approach to working with adults who exploring their past.
Intermediary Services This chapter has been extensively updated in line with the 'Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Amendment) Regulations 2014' and should be read in its entirety.
Smoking Policy for Adopters This chapter has been amended to include the Children and Families Act 2014 restriction on smoking in vehicles when a person under 18 is present (see Section 2, Guidance) and a new section References identifying current research/guidance.
Behaviour Management Plans This chapter has been reviewed and revised and confirms that there should be active consideration for all Children Looked After to have a Behaviour Management Plan, notably young people in residential care. Some will be guided as a result of therapeutic input.
Physical Intervention: Practice Guidance for Social Workers This chapter has been updated in line with the Quality Standards for Children's Homes (2015). Please fully re-read.
Incidents and Reporting This chapter has been reviewed and updated and contains the Ofsted Notification form for providers of children's homes and Notification of Significant Incidents Form.
Notifiable Events This chapter has been amended by updating the Notification Form (See Appendix 1: Executive Director/Assistant Executive Director/HOS Notification) and adding a new section Knowsley Process for Notifiable Incidents to Ofsted (see Section 2, Knowsley Process for Notifiable Incidents to Ofsted).
Social Worker Visits This chapter has been reviewed and amended and ensures a more accessible approach to guidance for practitioners in Knowsley.
Local Contacts This has been fully updated.
Designated Managers This has been fully updated.
Local Keywords This has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Knowsley Safeguarding Board Step Up / Step Down Procedure
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This document describes the process for the 'step-up' of families from Early Help, Level 3 family support services (Family First 0-18 Service) to Children's Social Care.
The 'step-down' of families from Child in Need support to Early Help Level 3 family support services (Family First 0-18 Service) and partners providing Level 2 family support (such as Schools and Health) from Children's Social Care.
This protocol does not imply step down from Child Protection interventions to Early Help Services. Please fully read this key chapter.
Knowsley Joint Children and Adults Services: Social Worker's Supervision Policy This chapter identifies the importance and need for high quality, challenging but reflective supervision for every practitioner which needs to be undertaken by an HCPC Registered person where social workers are in multi-disciplinary teams and managed by another professional. All supervision should be undertaken in a confidential and respectful way and used to promote quality of practice and service; enable effective management of risk; recognise stress factors for practitioners and areas development and learning. All social work staff should have monthly supervision; NQSWs more frequently.
The chapter contains the supervision record and contract (see appendices).
Policy for Children's Participation in the Child Protection Conference Process This chapter recognises that participation (whole or part) of a child subject to a child protection conference should be actively considered, but following a considered assessment of this. A framework for this assessment is offered together with consideration of an independent advocate. It will always be important for the conference to have an understanding of the child's wishes, wants and views and there are ways that this should be provided. The chair of the conference should always be advised in advance, so that the management of the conference can be given due consideration.
Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board: Children Who Run Away or Go Missing From Home or Care Strategy
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This is the January 2015 (updated September 2015) version of the Missing from Home or Care Strategy. The chapter contains a number of Tools to identify the levels of risk and progress meetings in respect of children who are missing. The chapter highlights the 'push' and 'pull' factors for children, the balance that needs to be judged in respect of children who may 'test boundaries' and those who might be subject to significant risk through sexual and criminal exploitation, drug and alcohol abuse. Please fully read this chapter.
Foster Carers and Baby Sitting This chapter highlights key processes for foster carers in this area of practice. Foster Carers should chose a baby sitter with the same care as they would for their own child. However, a Child Looked After's particular needs should be carefully considered, along with the qualities of the sitter, who must be at least 16 years. and would usually be an adult, Sitters should be vetted in the usual way but in urgent situations, the foster carer should consult with the supervising and the child's social worker.
Adoption Policy This comprehensive chapter provides an overview of the Adoption Services' work and role and of its values and principles. It covers key aspects of the service such as the Adoption Panel; recruitment of prospective adopters; planning, linking and matching; Contact; Adoption Support Services and Representations and Complaints. Please read to ensure this key area of work is fully understood.
Personal Care and Relationships This chapter identifies and offers guidance in respect of a range of issues with regard to young people, including Intimate Care, Sexual Activity in Homes, Contraception and Pregnancy Peer Group Abuse Enuresis etc.
Intimate and Personal Care This chapter identifies key issues and balances that need to be considered when working with children and young people who have medical and physical dependency needs. For staff engaged in this area of work it should be fully read and understood.
Use of Photography or Videos with Children Looked After This chapter provides guidance on the use and parameters of photographs and video recording of Children Looked After. Whilst this is a normal part of childhood, for children looked after they can be an important part of helping them to make sense of their child hood experience. Nevertheless, children should not be forced to have their picture taken and great care should be taken in storing and exhibiting them. Professional staff should ensure that photographs of Children Looked After are not taken or stored on their personal photographic or electronic equipment.
Protocol Between Knowsley Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Children's Social Care This detailed chapter focuses on the roles and relationships between Children's Social Care and staff and Youth Offending Staff in situations where there is potential overlap – principally where Children looked After are involved in the Youth Justice System – including young people who are subject to Remand by the Court and become Looked After as a result.
Removed Chapters
  • Private Fostering Guidance.

June 2015

CAPTION: June 2015 Amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Transfer Policy This chapter has been updated to make the chapter more accessible whilst preserving the key principles and processes required for safe and timely transfers of children between teams.
Disclosure and Barring Service Check or Direct Police Check The chapter has been updated. Please read the accompanying guidance 'DBS referrals guide: Local Authority referral duty and power for additional information'. The 'DBS Eligibility criteria 'and 'DBS Privacy policy' are also provided.
Discharge of Care Orders (Accelerated Process) This chapter has been updated to add a revised Liverpool & Warrington County Court – Local Practice Direction and a new Liverpool County Court – Order for Directions on a Discharge of Care Order Application (Accelerated Procedure) form.
Management of Allegations Against People who Work with Children and Young People
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This chapter outlines the procedure to be followed when an allegation is made about the failure of a professional, volunteer or carer to safeguard and promote the welfare of a child or young person.
Whistleblowing and Confidentiality This chapter now links to the Knowsley intranet.
Child Protection Review Process This chapter has been amended and reviewed. A Strategy Discussion will determine the need for a Section 47 Enquiry. The Strategy Discussion will take place within 24 hours of the decision to hold it. The Strategy Discussion will be chaired by the Social Care Team Manager.
Cancellation of Case Conferences and CLA Case Reviews This chapter has been updated to emphasise the importance of ensuring that children's reviews are treated with the highest priority to ensure appropriate plans are progressed.
Notifications and transfer of Children subject to a Child Protection Plans moving from/to other Local Authority Areas This chapter has been reviewed to reflect the North West Regional agreement.
Short Breaks This chapter has been updated by adding a link to DfE, Short breaks for carers of disabled children – Departmental advice for local authorities (2011).
Knowsley Complex Needs and Resource Panel Terms of Reference This chapter details the process for accessing multi-agency funding for children who have complex needs and requirements. It is important that a holistic assessment of the child is undertaken and that accessing mainstream and universal services, etc. have been fully considered. The chapter includes a Funding Request Form and Funding Review Form. Please re-read.
Young Persons Housing and Homeless Prevention Protocol This chapter links to the Knowsley MBC Homeless Strategy 2010 – 2015. Please familiarise yourself with this document.
Domestic Violence and Abuse
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This chapter links to the Knowsley SCB and provides an up-date definition, an understanding of the impact for children as well as appropriate guidance on responding to Domestic violence and abuse.
Knowsley and Merseyside Protocol for Children Missing from Home and Care
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
The Knowsley SCB has provided an update chapter on this key issue for children which should be fully re-read. The chapter also contains a link to the statutory guidance on children missing from home and care of 2014.
Cross Border Child Protection Cases under the Hague Convention This chapter updated by adding a link to DfE, Working with foreign authorities: child protection cases and care orders – Departmental advice for local authorities, social workers, service managers and children's services lawyers (2014) and International Child Abduction and Contact Unit.
Care and Permanence Planning Meetings This chapter has been reviewed and updated to reflect the Service's current structure and emphasis on permanency planning.
Contract Monitoring Process This chapter has been updated to reflect a new structure and process and supplies updated appendices for 'Merseyside and Partners Collaborative Monitoring Document' and 'Provider Monitoring Form'.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities/Placement Providers This chapter has been updated and reviewed to clarify procedures and expectations and by adding a link to DfE Statutory Guidance, 'DfE, Out of authority placement of looked-after children - Supplement to The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review' and should be re-read.
Permanency Policy and Care Planning Procedure This chapter fully details the issues and importance of permanency for children and highlights the options in seeking to achieve this. The chapter fully reflects the Knowsley policies and practices around this.
Delegated Authority This chapter has been updated to add a Delegated Authority Decision Toolkit.
Placements in Secure Accommodation This chapter has been updated. A link to Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on Court Orders and Pre-Proceedings (2014) and DfE 'Secure Children's Homes: how to place a child aged under 13' has been added to related guidance and chapter.
Child Looked After Case Review This chapter has been further reviewed and updated. A number of amendments have been made to ensure the chapter reflected the current structure of the Department and provide emphasis to Permanency Planning.
CLA Review Process This chapter has been Reviewed and updated in line the current Departmental structure and statutory expectations.
Health Care Assessments and Plans This chapter has been amended to the link to updated statutory guidance DfE, Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Looked After Children (2015).
Contact with Parents and Siblings This chapter has been updated in line with the updated statutory guidance, 'Looked-after Children: Contact with Siblings - Update to Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review'.
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated in line with the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 and revised Statutory Guidance. The chapter should be re-read throughout.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been updated in line with the Children and Families Act 2014, repealing the requirement to give due consideration to ethnicity (see Identification of Adoptive Parents).
Leaving Care This chapter has been updated to ensure compliance to the Leaving Care Regulations. The chapter also contains a link to The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 3: Planning Transition to Adulthood for Care Leavers.
Leaving Care Finance Policy This chapter has been fully updated and re-titled to provide some further specific detail and update expenditure allowances and practice.
Staying Put This chapter has been updated to the manual to reflect the current structure of the Department and decision making processes etc.
Pathway Planning and Reviews The chapter has been reviewed. Some additional links have been added.
Personal Advisers The chapter has been further reviewed. Further detail is provided in respect of Eligible Young People AND HIGHLIGHTS THAT A Personal Adviser must be suitably qualified.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody The chapter has been reviewed; an updated link to YJB National Standard No 9 has been added and in Section 3.6, Young People Serving Long Sentences the address of the YJB Head Office has been updated.
Leaving Care Guidance This chapter has been amended: in particular, the Role of the Personal Adviser and the involvement of the Young Person and the Content of the Pathway Plan. Please re-read.
Physical Intervention: Practice Guidance for Social Workers This chapter details the issues around restraint in residential children's homes. Whilst this is necessary in some instances, this must be a last resort for children. It is important that restraints for children are monitored – both by the social worker when visiting but also at the child's Looked After Review.
Please fully read.
Regulation 45 Visits This chapter has been updated in line with Children's Homes (England) Regulations 2015. This has changed the previously Regulation 33 visits as Regulation 45 – but with the same functions and requirements.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services This chapter has been reviewed and amended to take into account the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 which means 17-year-olds will have to be transferred to LA accommodation rather than being held overnight in police stations as previously happened and the person responsible for the welfare of the 17-year-old, such as a parent or guardian, are now informed that they have been detained (see Section 2, Looked After Children Who Have Been Arrested, Guidance with regard to 17 year olds young people who attending the Police Station).
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
Designated Managers This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
What We What to Achieve for Our Children and Families This changed chapter freshly and succinctly describes Knowsley Children's Services Vision, Mission and Outcomes for the children and families it works with.
Quality Assurance and Learning Framework This chapter fully describes the quality assurance process, procedure and schedule, as well as detailing the expectations of staff throughout the Department. Emphasis is placed on a learning culture within the organisation and the audit exemplars give clear expectations for practitioners and managers in terms of good practice guidance that should be reflected in children's case files. All staff should fully read this chapter.
Knowsley MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This chapter provides a briefing on the Knowsley MASH, established to improve communication between a wide group of agencies and professionals and promote a joined – up approach to assessing risk to vulnerable children and adults.
Emergency Duty Team Practice Guidance This chapter highlights EDT staff's role and responsibilities, including ensuring recording on ICS is fully undertaken with the relevant team advised by the following working day. Recording should seek to detail the rationale behind decision -making and activity undertaken.
Single Assessment - Children and Families Policy and Guidance

This chapter fully details the Single Assessment Process and Procedure, initially conceived in 'Working Together To Safeguard Children 2013'.

The chapter provides key information in respect of the timeliness and deadlines for undertaking the Assessment and the management oversight required.

There are a range of issues and 'questions' identified that practitioners should be seeking to answer for themselves when undertaking the Single Assessment and emphasis is made on undertaking the evaluation aspect.
Early Help Process Flowchart An updated Flowchart that fully replaces the previous CAF flowchart / chapter.
Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board, Resilience and Vulnerability Tool This chapter links to the LSCB chapter which seeks to provide a systems approach to enabling a judgement to be made when a child has been identified as having additional needs and aids consideration of how resilience and protective factors can be developed for a child.
Protocol Between Independent Reviewing Officer and Children's Guardians

This chapter replaced a similar and previous chapter. The protocol aims to ensure that there is closer liaison between IROs (Independent Reviewing Officers) and CAFCASS following the implementation of the IRO Handbook which highlighted specific areas where the two parties will work in conjunction.

The chapter contains CAFCASS Practice note 2011: CAFCASS and the work of Independent Reviewing Officers and CAFCASS Practice Note 2007: Annex; IRO Handbook - Chapter 8 and Cafcass and Independent Reviewing Officer: Good Practice Protocol for Public Law Work as Appendices.
Please fully read.
Pre Proceedings and Public Law Outline (PLO) Procedures and Practice Guidance This chapter replaces the previous chapter and details the Knowsley procedure and approach to the Public Law Outline.
Please fully read.
Children's Supervision Policy This new chapter links to the Knowsley intranet.
Child in Need Planning and Review

This chapter identifies the procedure for making and reviewing plans for children who have been assessed as being a Child in Need. The chapter explores children who are on the edge of becoming looked After or subject to Child Protection Plans and identifies a 'step up step down' process.

The chapter also acknowledges Private Fostering and that children subject to this are 'Children in Need'.
Knowsley Neglect Strategy and Action Plan (2015-17)
(Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures)
This links to a new chapter in the Knowsley SCB on an issue of increasing concern following various Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews throughout the country. It provides considerable detail for Agencies working in Knowsley with respect to ensuring the impact of neglect on children is recognised by all professionals who should undertake appropriate training to ensure a sustained multi-agency response and approach. The chapter also provides the 'Delivery Plan' for the strategy.
Sufficiency Needs Assessment for Children Looked After This chapter details Knowsley MBC plan and strategy to ensure that it offers a range of care placements to meet a variety of needs and to seek to provide choice and stability in a timely way. Also to recognise the variety of needs for young care leavers.
IRO Disputes Protocol This chapter fully details the process of resolving differences and conflicts in the Review/Planning process for children and includes the monitoring role of the IROs. Then process emphasises a staged resolution process, but which can culminate in informing Cafcass. The impact of the process on the child's planning timetable should always be considered.
Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Review This chapter details the review procedure and process for children made subject to secure accommodation orders. Please read as required.
References and Checks The purpose of this guidance is to define the rationale and requirements for references and their use in the assessment of prospective foster carers with Knowsley Fostering Agency.
Health and Safety Check for Knowsley Foster Carers This chapter comprehensively deals with the health and Safety aspect of Foster carer assessments and review. This chapter should be considered during these processes and also on occasion when children's and fostering staff visit if there are concerns.
Placement with Dog-owning Families who Wish to be Approved as Foster Carers This chapter applies to foster carers and prospective adopters. It details the assessment process in order that dog owners can demonstrate that they are responsible and above all prioritise the welfare of the child. It also details the breed of dangerous dogs that under no circumstances would a child be placed with.
Foster Carers Holiday Policy This chapter links to the relevant section of the current Delegated Authority chapter for prompt accessibility to this information.
Foster Carers who Wish to Adopt a Children they are Currently Fostering This chapter discusses the issue of Foster Carers who wish to adopt a child who is in placement with them and recognises that this may be desirable where the child has a clear attachment to the carers and there are potential long term risks for the child with respect to their emotional attachment should they move.
Please fully read.
Fostering for Adoption and Concurrent Planning Placements in Knowsley 'Fostering for Adoption' and concurrent placements are paths to early permanence for some children. Changes to statutory guidance for adoption and the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 (as amended 2013) ensure that the regulatory mechanisms are in place to allow this to happen. This chapter explores and defines this and provides a brief procedure to enable this.
Concurrent Planning: Providing Permanent Placements at the Earliest Opportunity This chapter seeks to explore and identify the issues around in Concurrent Planning and Fostering for Adoption.
Please fully read.

Knowsley SCB Multi-Agency Child Protection Standards

Please note this new SCB chapter which details the standards for Child Protection investigations, assessments and conferences and includes a 'resolution' and 'escalation' process for professionals.

All practitioners should be fully familiar with this SCB chapter, which is referenced where appropriate within this manual.
Updated Terminology
Throughout the Manual 'Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs)' and Replace with Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions'.
Throughout the Manual The term 'Sexual Offences Prevention Orders', 'Risk of Sexual Harm Orders' and 'Foreign Travel Orders' (which were introduced by the Sexual Offences Act 2003)' are Replaced by 'Sexual Harm Prevention Orders' and 'Sexual Risk Orders.'
Throughout the Manual The term 'SEN' is replaced with 'Education, Health and Care.'
Throughout the Manual Keyword: Interim Care Order/Interim Supervision Orders. The Children and Families Act 2014 removes the time limit on interim care/supervision orders. The Keyword for this has been amended.
Removed Chapters
  • Policy, Values and Principles;
  • ICS Detailed Guidance;
  • Working with the Munro Review: 'Flexibility' within the Child Protection System - A Knowsley Approach;
  • A Brief Guide to Assessments;
  • Assessment;
  • Framework for Assessment;
  • Common Assessment Framework;
  • KAT Protocol (Knowsley Assessment Team);
  • Children's Social Care Consent Policy and Procedure;
  • MASH Information Governance Flowchart - Child Protection;
  • Risk Assessment Procedure;
  • Risk Assessment Guidance;
  • Contacts and Referrals;
  • Co-Located Front Line Duty Arrangements and CAF;
  • Standby Service;
  • Escalation Process;
  • Case Allocation Protocol: Schedule of Priorities;
  • Access to Social Care Records Guidance;
  • Data Protection Policy;
  • Request for Disclosure Guidance;
  • FAQs for Officers who Compile Responses to Freedom of Information Requests;
  • Information Management Strategy and Procedures;
  • Information Security Guidance;
  • Information Security Acceptable Use Policy;
  • Key Employee Responsibilities arising from the Council's Data Protection Policy, Information Security Acceptable Use Policy, IT Acceptable Use Protocol and Information Security Guidance;
  • Secure Transfer of Personal Information;
  • Redaction of Social Care Records Procedures;
  • Retention and Destruction of Files;
  • Data Protection Act - Guidance for Staff;
  • Report a Change of Circumstances re Child Benefit or Guardian's Allowance (CH193 Document);
  • Workload Management;
  • Workload Management Records;
  • Escalation Process for Children Social Care, Strategic Housing, Youth Offending Service and Knowsley Housing Options Service;
  • Housing Dispute Resolution Process Flowchart;
  • Housing Eviction and Notification Protocol;
  • Accommodation Panel;
  • Monitoring out of Borough Placements;
  • Minutes of IRO Meeting with Merseyside Designated Judge;
  • Holidays and School Trips Outside UK;
  • Leisure and Recreation;
  • Activities;
  • Personal Education Allowances (PEA's) for Looked After Children;
  • File Audit Documents;
  • File Audit Framework.

December 2014

CAPTION: "December 2014 Amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Family and Friends Care Policy This chapter has been amended to change the term 'Residence Order' to 'Child Arrangements Order, in line with the Children and Families Act 2014.
Legal Framework for Child Protection

This chapter has been updated to include new sections on:

  • The Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme, which provides members of the public with a mechanism to ask for disclosure about people they are concerned about who may have unsupervised access to a child(ren);
  • Domestic Violence Protection Orders and the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme whereby a perpetrator can be banned with immediate effect from returning to a residence and from having contact with the victim for up to 28 days in respect of the Protection Order. The Disclosure Scheme gives members of the public a formal mechanism to make enquires about an individual who they are in a relationship with, or who is in a relationship with someone they know, where there is a concern;
  • Also, the Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014: Sexual Harm Prevention Orders (which can be applied to anyone convicted or cautioned of a sexual or violent offence, including where offences are committed overseas) and Sexual Risk Orders (that can be made where a person has done an act of a sexual nature as a result of which there is reasonable cause to believe that it is necessary for such an order to be made).
Please fully read.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline This chapter has been fully and comprehensively updated as a result of an overhaul of the family justice system throughout 2014. Key to these changes is the expectation that care proceedings will be completed within 26 weeks. Fully read throughout.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Practice Guidance This chapter has been updated to include the link to the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, a mechanism to ask for disclosure about people they are concerned about who may have unsupervised access to a child(ren).
Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers This chapter has been updated to include 'Care of unaccompanied and trafficked children: Statutory guidance for local authorities on the care of unaccompanied asylum seeking and trafficked children (2014)' and has been amended throughout as a result. Additional guidance is offered in the 'Assessment' section – particularly in respect of age-assessments and the availability of the Assisted Voluntary Return Scheme; Unaccompanied Young Asylum Seekers Reaching 18 and the Withdrawal of Service.
Families with No Recourse to Public Funds This chapter has been amended to update references to NHS legislation and add a link to No Recourse to 'Public Funds Network, Practice Guidance for Local Authorities: Assessing and Supporting Children & Families and Former Looked After Children who have No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) for Support from local authorities under the Children Act 1989 (2011)'.
Transporting Children This chapter has been amended to recognise that smoking in cars has been prohibited when there are children under 18 yrs in the vehicle.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation

This chapter has been significantly updated by adding a link to updated 'Statutory Guidance - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (Supplement) - Looked After Children and Youth Justice - Application of the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 to Looked After Children in Contact with Youth Justice Services (April 2014)'. The amendments also take account of the fact that the PACE Code of Practice has been amended to extend the right to an Appropriate Adult at the police station to 17-year-olds (this was awaited following a judicial review decision, and has now been implemented).

Please fully re-read.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been updated and additional information has been added into Section 1.8, Ending of Placement, to take account of recent case-law.
Education of Children Looked After

This chapter has been updated in line with the Children and Families Act 2014. Additional information has been added in new Section 1 on the requirement for local authorities to appoint an officer to promote the educational achievement of Looked After children – sometimes referred to as a 'Virtual School Head'. There is also recognition that the 'Statement of Education Need' has become the Education, Health and Care Plan.

Three new sections have been added:

  • 'Children and Young People with Medical Conditions';
  • 'Training for those Involved in the Care and Education of Looked After Children'; and
  • 'Information Sharing'.

There are also updated links to 'Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 - 25 years Statutory Guidance for Organisations who work with Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (2014)'; 'Promoting the Educational Achievement of Looked After Children (2014)' and Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (2014).

Please fully re-read.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services This chapter has been reviewed and amended in line with the revised 'Statutory Guidance - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (Supplement) - Looked After Children and Youth Justice - Application of the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 to Looked After Children in Contact with Youth Justice Services (April 2014)'. Additional information has been added throughout the chapter; note the changes and Guidance with Regard to 17 year old Young People Attending the Police Station. It should be re-read.
Smoking Policy for Adopters This chapter has been amended to recognise that smoking in cars has been prohibited when there are children under 18 yrs in the vehicle.
Residence Order Allowances The chapter has been amended by adding a note in the Scope Box identifying the change in terminology to the Child Arrangements Order. (However, the chapter continues to reference 'Residence Order' whilst consideration can be given to whether there needs to be a review of Allowances as a result).
YJB National Standards and Case Management Guidelines This chapter now links directly to the GOV.UK YJB webpage and will ensure the chapter is always up to date.
Updated Terminology
Throughout the Manual The 'UK Border Agency' and replace with 'UK Visas Immigration'.
Throughout the Manual The term 'NHS Direct' has been deleted.
Throughout the Manual The term 'Vulnerable Adults' has been replaced with 'Adults at Risk'.
Throughout the Manual The term 'Residence Order' has been changed to 'Child Arrangements Order'